Sunday, March 29, 2009

Saturn Return

In the astrological birthchart, saturn return is the time when transiting saturn returns to natal saturn's position. One cycle of saturn (around the chart) takes approximately 28-30 years. Saturn return can be both a challenging and rewarding time. Saturn is the lord of time. With Saturn return, our lessons involve us facing the finiteness of life which often forces us to come to terms with issues that may be holding us back to living life more fully. Saturn reminds us that life functions under the constraints of time. Feelings/thoughts like, "we only have one life to live, how should we really live our life?" may surface during our Saturn return. Hence this is often a time of change for many people to come to realize that the life that they have chosen to live, the way they have chosen to live, may not be in alignment with the bigger picture of how and who they want to be. Do you want to continue staying in a relationship that you no longer feel a spark in or are not in full alignment with where you see yourself to be in the future? Do you want to continue being in a profession that may not be in alignment with who you are? Do you want to move out or live in a different location? Many of these questions will come up as we are called to face the many unresolved knots in our hearts that we have had the liberty to ignore during the years before our Saturn return.

Unresolved issues from past relationships with lovers, friends, enemies, loved ones may also re-surface. We are once again called to make decisions on how we want to carry our lives forward. Do we want to continue carrying the baggages we have carried for the past 28-30 years of our lives, or do we want to let them go and become more of who we are not only from a function of our past conditionings but from a deeper place in our heart that may promise greater happiness and fulfillment? Are we willing to sever some ties, let go of some addictions (behavioural or substance-related, of which both often take root in a psychological addiction), or take a leap of faith into the unknown? All are questions that our Saturn return may wash up to the shore. Saturn, being the Lord of time, is also the Lord of Karma, with Karma being a universal law which takes effect over time. Karma says nothing more than that which we have planted we shall reap in time. What we have planted include both actions and mental imprints. Our thoughts lead to our feelings which lead to our actions. What we do we are, what we think we are. Our thoughts, feelings, actions cannot be separate from us, as All flow from our beingness or existence. We are everything we say, we express, we do, we think, and feel. Resolving karmic issues is like finishing a chapter in a book so that we can graduate to learn or experience something of a more advanced nature. In this case, our life lessons make up the chapters and moving forward from our life lessons often signal change, liberation and greater self-responsibility.

Saturn, being the ruler of Capricorn, is a very grounding energy, the energy which brings things (ie. ideas) into form. If you have planted thoughts and put effort in the past into creating something important to you your Saturn return will be a time of reaping rewards. It is a time when the practical groundwork is finally laid from which you can build your lofty dreams. Saturn asks you to be realistic, to be practical and think through clearly what it is you exactly want and how you can fully bring it into fruition. It asks for a firm resolution. Make use of this time to clarify your desires, but first let go of unhealthy patterns and ties. Saturn will both help you set in whatever foundation it is required to live out your greater goals and life desires. The practicality of Saturn will pull from you your greatest resources, making full use of you such that you can make full use of your time in your life.

Let Saturn be your teacher, your coach, your guide and your burning lamp on your path to more love, happiness and freedom.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Remembering the days when the wind blew in my face, when the screeching noises of car caressed my ears…

Remembering the days I opened my eyes and frost covered my windows my window blinds flapping by the glass…

Remembering the days sipping hot chocolate standing by the food stand ordering breakfast on my way to class…

Remembering the days I entered the sports hall with my bathing suit bag hearing the sound of bouncing balls and screeching sound of running shoes on the basketball court next door…

Remembering the days when I walked up many flights of stairs nonstop barely catching my breath to arrive at the door with many postcards of random places…

Just remembering the moments that have passed but vividly lived. Remembering I have lived and continue to breathe and am alive. Remembering I am human. Remembering I am spirit living in body, blessed with everything I have, every experience I have experienced, every opportunity to love, every opportunity to fall, to be hurt, and to heal and walk again. Knowing that no experience in life is any less than another experience. Knowing that each moment is all we have and that breath is our timekeeper. With the breathing of each breath, is the ticking of each second passing. No time is wasted. It is always lived.