Monday, June 25, 2007

When We Become Conscious

When we become conscious,

We are becoming conscious that there is a Greater Reality beyond our everyday mundane perception of reality through our physical five senses...

We are becoming conscious that every event which "happens" to us, or around us, is somehow occurring in an orchestrated sequence possibly pre-determined by a greater force we may or may not be a part of...

We are becoming conscious that within ourselves is a Powerful Presence which watches over an Outer Reality which may or may not be a construct of that Presence...

We are becoming conscious that every individual is experiencing an unique expression of the same Powerful Presence from which All of Creation has sprung and continues to spring forth...

We are becoming conscious that All That Is and Is Not Is Love...

and we are Grateful of All that Becomes and Is.

The Universe is forever in Expansion. Expansion is a constant of the Mind. The Mind is forever Conscious.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Love, Light, Surrender, Asunder

In the midst of change, there is a bright new light
That calls beyond your name, showering you with cosmic bright
In the midst of chaos, a gust of wind blows,
Taking you to new depths of your soul
Why art thou have changed?
No I have changed not
Is there truth within the depths of your soul?
Or is there seed beyond the greatest doubts?
Plundering beyond what may be called Light,
Yet building from behind the greatest pyramid of all -
The pyramid of Gizah lies the sacred tomb of the dead
Those who can access the dead knows only the truth,
For yet another layer of light may be revealed.
To those willing to uphold the brightest fire amidst the greatest disorder,
Let not the truth be fooled, but let it be shone with bright
Let not the courageous lose their foot, therefore let there be light.
I, those who call the Great Ones, once trodded the land of the saints
Plundered in the darkness of the lord, swinging forth into the land of bright
Now find myself in the highest chamber of All, that which is called Love

-The Great Ones