Friday, February 23, 2007

The Path of Free Will

As I tread further on my evolutionary path, I've come to understand the concept of free will more and more. Free will exists only through self-awareness. The reason I say this is that free will exists solely in the choice between love and fear (see my earlier entry on "Choosing Between Love and Fear"), and everything else is destiny. Without self-awareness, the choice between love and fear does not exist for the individual. The individual thinks he or she has a choice, but he or she really does not. The individual is bound to the imprisonment of his or her own subconscious beliefs and fears, living out repetitive patterns created by them. Self-awareness gives us the opportunity to decide, whether we want to continue living out our subconscious fears, or to love ourselves enough, to follow our hearts' desires, despite those fears. Courage is moving ahead despite our fears. Fears are like our partners, they exist only to show us, that there is indeed another path, the path of liberation. And as we dive ahead with our full hearts, we become fully liberated, we are on destiny. Therefore we need not pursue our destiny. It simply becomes, and is.

True liberation means, living fully on destiny. And living on destiny is the highest expression of free will. Free will then becomes an aspiration to a higher order, the divine will. We become now pure instruments of the divine.

Now our futures are the product of every choice we make today. Create the future that you want, by changing the way you make choices today. Start today. Be aware. Practice it. Live it. And breathe it.

Dr Stephen Greer - ET Contact and World-Saving Technology

Recently I've been following the work of this man by the name of Dr Stephen Greer who has done extensive work in disclosing to the public his contact with ETs from highly advanced civilizations and more importantly, humanity's possession of highly evolved energy technology, which, if put to use with peaceful means, can help to bring about a peaceful Earth with no poverty and environmental damage currently affecting Earth in profound ways.

In his book, "Hidden Truth, Forbidden Knowledge", he shares his vision of the future of our world, an era which is believed to come to existence within our generation. He talks of a world where the existing urban structure of cities and suburbs will disappear, to be replaced by a globe of villages where everyone lives in harmony with each other, as every part of the world will be easily accessed within literally minutes when the anti-gravity technology systems (which already exist!) are put to use. He talks of a world of no poverty as the costs of manufacturing all life-necessities (including housing, food etc) will reduce substantially (to nearly zero cost) with the implementation of free energy systems that can generate energy without use of resources (which is entirely possible since God created the world out of literally nothing, or actually, the Love energy) which again, already exist! Work hours will reduce to 10-20 hours a week since everything that requires tremendous time and energy now, will not. Since much less time is spent on survival (as every material need will be met!), humans will be freed to spend their time in more joyful pursuits such as creativity, leisure and learning. We'll become a civilization of humans where we can pursue higher states of consciousness and enlightenment, where we will be able to live in joy, love and harmony with every being on this and other planets!

I thought his work is incredible and his persistent voice in the public arena a real source of inspiration. I wish to share this information with you (fish around if this appeals to you), and however you would like to receive it or use it, let it be an
inspiration and support in your intention to co-create Heaven on Earth.

Links to his workshops and his research on zero-point energy propulsion technology systems:

May you always heed to the callings of your heart. And may the light within you shine every so brightly! Namaste!

Friday, February 09, 2007

A Return to Power through Healing Allergies

I’ve been wanting to share with you my experience in my last US trip for the longest time and finally my words are flowing onto my computer screen. It’s interesting how divine timing plays into everything little part of our lives, including when it is to update my blog.

Around middle of October last year, Spirit told me that I was about to experience a very very major transformation in my life. Having just returned from South America for only several weeks and having experienced lots of inner changes already while I was in South America, I really had no clue what Spirit was about to bring me. Huh? Another major transformation? And a very major one? Great. Wished I was hearing incorrectly but that rarely happens with a message like that.

So anyway, several days later, I started to wake up with random parts of my face swollen. First it was my left eye but the swelling went away the same night. Then it was my right ear, again it went away the next day. Then few days passed and this time my left eye and right ear were swollen at the same time and much more serious than they did the other times. I figured something must be wrong with my body so I decided to consult a friend who suggested that I take some supplements for the liver as my liver is probably too hot (based of Chinese medicine theories). The next day both my eyes were swollen to unbelievable degrees and I decided to go see a Chinese doctor who told me that yes, my liver is too hot and that I was having an allergic reaction and therefore needed to detox my intestines in order to help boost my immune system such that the body can heal from the allergy. After taking some medication for detox, my eyes got better the next day and so I thought I must be fine. The same night, I experienced, what I later discovered, an analyphactic allergy attack, something that could’ve been fatal and that made me feel like I was going to die. I experienced hours of cold sweating and fever, my whole body fested with painful and itchy patches of rash all over, especially in my throat. I experienced tremendous fear, which later I realized was from a pastlife where I died from something similar. I woke up next morning rushing to the Chinese doctor. Received more medication and did some inner work to release my emotions of feeling separate from God. I obviously had an issue of feeling like a victim to diseases and I felt so much pain and sadness being sick. Few days later I was scheduled to go to the US to study Soul Memory and to travel to Arizona. Knowing in my heart I must go on this trip, I left Hong Kong anyway despite feeling much fear as my allergies were unhealed. (I remember leaving with a swollen ankle and wrist and hiding them away from my parents to prevent them from worrying and stopping me from going.)

While I was studying Soul Memory, another layer of fears came up related to my skin problem and I had another analyphactic attack during one day of the class in which I skipped. However this time I was more calm and didn’t feel as much fear as I did before. Now all this time I didn’t really know what I was allergic to. I was simply allergic for no reason. The easiest thing to blame was food but that obviously wasn’t true, as there were days I would nearly fast or I would eat only veggies and the rashes still creeped up on me. All I knew then was that I had some kind of subconscious power issue sourced from my third chakra, the solar plexus, as allergies are caused by immune system malfunctioning stemming from problem in the liver and the health of the liver is sourced from the third chakra. But, what was I really allergic to?

After my Soul Memory course, I traveled to Sedona (Arizona) on my own, a trip that I have envisioned for myself for some time. For those of you who haven’t heard about Sedona, Sedona is one of the most spiritual places on Earth as it has four huge energy vortices. What an energy vortex is is basically a portal or an opening where very high vibration energy is sourced through from higher dimensions. Loads of tourists visit Sedona every year to experience these vortices for the purpose of healing. Everybody can expect a different experience with the vortices as we all need different things at different times in our lives. When I first landed in Sedona, Spirit told me that I no longer need to suffer from physical diseases anymore! Wow, what a message! I’d love to know how I can manifest that! So in the days to come, they showed me how.

First I was guided to visit one of the four vortices, Bell Rock. I meditated at the vortex and in my meditation, I asked the vortex energy to take away my skin allergy issue. The same night I turned on the TV, and there it was, a religious show with a preacher talking about how we learn love and compassion through embracing Jesus’ teachings; and for some reason, I couldn’t stop crying when I watched the show. After crying for maybe ten seconds, I coughed up some energy from my stomach and I experienced a miracle! All my allergies went away within literally an hour! I was healed! I couldn’t believe it myself but I was healed! The next morning I continued to be free of allergies. I was so excited!

The next morning I was guided to visit a place called Angel Valley. Interestingly, I’ve found this place online a year ago when I was doing research on Sedona and I had sort of forgotten about this place until I saw a flyer of it again the night before. So no coincidence. While I was at Angel Valley, I met a lightworker by the name of Michael who runs the place. Michael works with the four big archangels (Michael, Uriel, Gabriel and Raphael) in setting up the place as a spiritual retreat for people to understand themselves better. I was profoundly enlightened and transformed by our conversation. What I came to realize about myself really changed the way I perceive reality and showed me how much power we have as God’s partners, rather than humans with limited control over our lives. The answer to the question, what was I allergic to, came to light. I realized that throughout my life I have believed that I must experience sickness in order to know God, or know Light. I needed to beat myself up so that I can then learn to love myself better. While that belief and way of living had served me to learn love and compassion, I realized that I also have the power to choose to know Light in a different way. And so what I was allergic to was my victim self, the self that loved to beat myself up, play “I’m sick”, in order to know God or Light. A disease is simply a physical manifestation of an aspect of ourselves that we are in dis-ease with. To heal ourselves of diseases simply requires us to embrace that aspect of our Self that we have rejected and not brought to light. And as we embrace all of the different aspects of the Self, we naturally return to wholeness, to balance. Therefore, healing is nothing more than understanding all of the Self, and then embracing all of it. And once we know all aspects of our Self, be it good or bad (there is in fact no good or bad as that duality only exists in our judgment but not in truth) we can choose to express the Self in whatever way we like. Knowing that I was in dis-ease with my victim self and that I believed I could only know God through being sick, I now have a choice to create a different reality through believing something else. With that knowing, I choose to believe that I can know God simply through being happy and joyful, rather than through experiencing darkness. And that was what my angels showed me that day. A beam of truth, a beam of light.

For about a month after that day, I continued to experience coming and going of my allergies. But each time my allergies returned, I would affirm my new belief, connect my heart with Source, and my allergies would always go away the next day. I had no fear of it as the experience also made me see how the physical body is nothing more than a vehicle that holds my Spirit Self, that aspect of my Self which is always one with God. The I AM presence, as many New Agers would call it. Allergies are now permanently gone and I have regained my power as a Co-Creator of my reality. Our beliefs always create our realities. What do you believe? And what are you creating?