Saturday, December 29, 2007
Relationships and Evolution
This year, I've had the opportunity to experience growth through two very meaningful romantic relationships. Both relationships challenged me to deepen my love for myself. At the end of the latter, I realized that, the very relationship that we often seek with another person, is simply a projection of the relationship we are seeking with ourselves. When one yearns for a partner, it is the yearning to reconnect with our own selves that is actually driving us. For oftentimes, it is through relating with another, that we can resolve the karmic lessons that we have brought into our lives and ultimately rediscover the essence of who we are. Ironically, we cannot truly relate with another as a complete individual, until we have built a quality relationship with ourselves. For again, the outer reality is always a mirror of our inner reality. As you learn to relate with yourself authentically, so too will you develop authentic relationships with other people. Your own authenticity will reflect back to you the authenticity of others. And it is only through this form of relationships, that both partners can deepen their love for each other over time. This explains why many relationships in modern day does not work. People get married deeply in love with each other and discover after several years of relating, that they are actually not compatible. True compatibility must again first come from the self. Inner disharmony causes us to project the shadow parts of ourselves onto our partners, creating the phenomenon of "incompatibility". Do not be fooled by the illusions of your outer reality. Look within and discover that place of Truth that shall reveal to you the secrets of having success in your outer reality, including a harmonious, supportive relationship that allows you to grow and evolve over time.
Evolution through conflict is often inevitable on this earthplane, as true Understanding is only deepened and integrated through real outer world experiences. Relationships is certainly a good place to experience such growth, if not the only place. In intimate relationships, the experience of intimacy with another brings up old feelings of hurt, pain, fears and jealousy from past relationships with other intimate partners or oftentimes those with our parents. These unprocessed pains hide in our subconscious and hold us back from experiencing deep soul joy and ecstacy. It is through hence, conflict within relationships, that we may evolve and deepen our union with our divine selves. And as we evolve through and with our relationships, salvation is possible. Therefore do not easily discard the idea of needing or wanting a partner. People who believe that they are better off being single, thinking that being single is more beneficial to their spiritual growth is often making this decision unconsciously really to avoid growth. It is the ego's defence to pain. Instead, keep manifesting relationships to help you grow and blossom as a human-being, and in the journey, you shall discover greater wonders about yourself and others. Finally, remember that it is your birthright to experience deep Love, Fulfillment and Pleasure in all aspects of reality.
May the coming year of 2008 be a fun-filled year of Joy and Ecstasy for All.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Purification of Our Body, in Relation to Our Mind and Spirit
The purification of our physical body is as much of a critical aspect of our spiritual growth as with the purification of our mental and emotional faculties. We are neither our mind, our feelings or our bodies alone, yet to become fully in contact with reality we must have recovered the complete sensory and psychic perceptive functionalities of all three aspects of ourselves, which is possible through the process of purification. And as all three aspects are inseparably interconnected, healing any one of the three levels of ourselves can have a profound effect on the other two. Just as our thoughts give rise to how we feel, the state of our physical health does also directly affect our thoughts and moods. Someone with persistent pain disorders is likely to become easily irritated. On the other hand, our physical body is a direct mirror of our thoughts and feelings at a conscious and unconscious level. Our thoughts and feelings are literally stored at the cellular level of our bodies, hence, the integrity of our cells reflect the state of our mind and spirit. Negative thoughts and repressed emotions often manifest as a physical dis-ease due to their distorted energy fields.
As mentioned, we can heal ourselves on any of the three levels and be able to also heal the other two. For example, releasing an unexpressed emotion can literally cause cancer to go away! Changing any hateful thoughts we have towards ourselves or others to loving thoughts can also heal a physical disease. One of the most powerful experiences I’ve had with this method of healing is when I had analyphactic attacks of skin allergies (hives) and they literally disappeared one hour after I coughed up a repressed feeling of being powerless that was stored in my digestive tract and my liver! A similar example I had was when I used to often fall prey to flu viruses that would cause me to have high-flung fevers. Instead of taking medicine, (which would’ve worked perfectly as well!) I experimented with this type of healing by meditating and asking the emotion that was sourcing my fever to be released. My fever came down 30 minutes after my anger was released! Changes can be instantaneous as long as we are willing to honour whatever we have NOT honoured in the past. Usually what have been psychologically rejected are unacknowledged needs or unprocessed emotions from the past, which, when acknowledged and processed, can lead to an instant shift in our physical realities as well as an expansion in our consciousness.
Now let’s look at healing from the other end of the tube – healing the physical body to effect change in our mental, emotional and spiritual states. Our body is a highly complicated mechanism with trillions of cells that are energies at their most fundamental level. Every cell has a polarity (a positive and negative charge) sourced from atoms that have electrons spinning around their nuclei [nucleus]. When a cell is healthy, it has a “healthy” electron spin, when the cell is not healthy, the spin is off and the cell begins to degenerate as it is unable to assimilate the oxygen and nutrients it needs for its sustainability and viability. When we heal an emotion, the releasing of the once repressed negative emotion restores the cell polarity to its healthful state, and the body is able to heal itself and ultimately recover from whatever disease it was suffering from before. Similarly, when we heal the physical body through physical protocols such as nutrition, medicinal herbs, natural detoxification processes (like fasting or changing diets), exercises such as yoga or pilates, or physiotherapies like chiropractic work, our cells, in the process of regaining their integrity through the healing power of the healing agent or body movements from certain movement therapies, will inevitably release any trapped negative thoughts and emotions at the cellular level. An example is doing yoga. Yoga, when practiced with an awareness of the interconnectedness of our mind, body and spirit, can help our bodies let go of many rigid mental and emotional patterns. As we move and stretch our bodies in ways we may not be accustomed to, different memories stored in the energy fields intersecting our bodies may rise up to our consciousness. These memories often carry with them repressed emotions we may have held towards someone in the past, often people who have hurt us or made us feel unloved in some way or another. When these memories flush our consciousness, we are given the opportunity to honour them as a part of the continuum of experiences that make our present selves, and then release them through a conscious acknowledgement of the lesson the particular event in the memory has brought us. The feelings, triggered from these memories, when allowed to be what they are through our Compassion, are instantaneously liberated from our physical body. Through this process of releasing, more and more of our cells regain their health and our physical bodies inevitably heal.
As the body heals itself of any distortions in thoughts, feelings and form, every cell within the body becomes a floodgate for Divine inspiration and love. A healthy cell cannot be upset, angry, sad or resentful, it is simply not its natural state. A happy, peaceful, loving person cannot be sick either, because they are simply not the same thing. This is not to say that if you’re not feeling well that you cannot be a happy, peaceful and loving person. It is important for us to be honest with ourselves when we are healing ourselves. However, we must also not forget to have compassion towards ourselves on where we are with ourselves and our healing, as divine timing plays into our growth, just like with anything else in our Universe.
Sometimes you may find that you have healed an emotion for a very long time but the corresponding physical symptom seemed to not yet have healed. Switching your focus to healing the physical aspect can bring about deeper realizations about the nature of the issue. Deeper layers of emotional pain may reveal themselves as the physical body begins to heal itself. One example may be in healing ourselves through fasting, diet change or various detoxification procedures such as colon cleansing or liver detoxification. When we undergo a detoxification of the body or a simple change of diet to healthier cleaner foods, the stress of digesting and processing heavy toxins from an unhealthy diet is alleviated from the organs in our bodies and our bodies are given the space needed to heal themselves. Naturally, the most unhealthy cells in our bodies will first become eliminated and replaced with healthy cells. As these unhealthy cells go, so too do any trapped negative thoughts or feelings that may have been a part of them, go. Detoxification of the physical body therefore becomes not only a process of the physical body, but a much more dynamic healing process involving the conscious participation of the mind and spirit.
Similarly, in the case of healing a physical symptom with physical protocols, you may find that you have tried every physical protocol available for it and still to no avail. The physical cannot fully heal until the underlying emotional or mental cause is fully eliminated. Once the underlying feeling or thought is healed, you may suddenly find yourself the perfect doctor for your physical problem, or the body may even just heal itself on its own!
Our bodies are truly amazing things. They are often our best teachers on our spiritual path!
As mentioned, we can heal ourselves on any of the three levels and be able to also heal the other two. For example, releasing an unexpressed emotion can literally cause cancer to go away! Changing any hateful thoughts we have towards ourselves or others to loving thoughts can also heal a physical disease. One of the most powerful experiences I’ve had with this method of healing is when I had analyphactic attacks of skin allergies (hives) and they literally disappeared one hour after I coughed up a repressed feeling of being powerless that was stored in my digestive tract and my liver! A similar example I had was when I used to often fall prey to flu viruses that would cause me to have high-flung fevers. Instead of taking medicine, (which would’ve worked perfectly as well!) I experimented with this type of healing by meditating and asking the emotion that was sourcing my fever to be released. My fever came down 30 minutes after my anger was released! Changes can be instantaneous as long as we are willing to honour whatever we have NOT honoured in the past. Usually what have been psychologically rejected are unacknowledged needs or unprocessed emotions from the past, which, when acknowledged and processed, can lead to an instant shift in our physical realities as well as an expansion in our consciousness.
Now let’s look at healing from the other end of the tube – healing the physical body to effect change in our mental, emotional and spiritual states. Our body is a highly complicated mechanism with trillions of cells that are energies at their most fundamental level. Every cell has a polarity (a positive and negative charge) sourced from atoms that have electrons spinning around their nuclei [nucleus]. When a cell is healthy, it has a “healthy” electron spin, when the cell is not healthy, the spin is off and the cell begins to degenerate as it is unable to assimilate the oxygen and nutrients it needs for its sustainability and viability. When we heal an emotion, the releasing of the once repressed negative emotion restores the cell polarity to its healthful state, and the body is able to heal itself and ultimately recover from whatever disease it was suffering from before. Similarly, when we heal the physical body through physical protocols such as nutrition, medicinal herbs, natural detoxification processes (like fasting or changing diets), exercises such as yoga or pilates, or physiotherapies like chiropractic work, our cells, in the process of regaining their integrity through the healing power of the healing agent or body movements from certain movement therapies, will inevitably release any trapped negative thoughts and emotions at the cellular level. An example is doing yoga. Yoga, when practiced with an awareness of the interconnectedness of our mind, body and spirit, can help our bodies let go of many rigid mental and emotional patterns. As we move and stretch our bodies in ways we may not be accustomed to, different memories stored in the energy fields intersecting our bodies may rise up to our consciousness. These memories often carry with them repressed emotions we may have held towards someone in the past, often people who have hurt us or made us feel unloved in some way or another. When these memories flush our consciousness, we are given the opportunity to honour them as a part of the continuum of experiences that make our present selves, and then release them through a conscious acknowledgement of the lesson the particular event in the memory has brought us. The feelings, triggered from these memories, when allowed to be what they are through our Compassion, are instantaneously liberated from our physical body. Through this process of releasing, more and more of our cells regain their health and our physical bodies inevitably heal.
As the body heals itself of any distortions in thoughts, feelings and form, every cell within the body becomes a floodgate for Divine inspiration and love. A healthy cell cannot be upset, angry, sad or resentful, it is simply not its natural state. A happy, peaceful, loving person cannot be sick either, because they are simply not the same thing. This is not to say that if you’re not feeling well that you cannot be a happy, peaceful and loving person. It is important for us to be honest with ourselves when we are healing ourselves. However, we must also not forget to have compassion towards ourselves on where we are with ourselves and our healing, as divine timing plays into our growth, just like with anything else in our Universe.
Sometimes you may find that you have healed an emotion for a very long time but the corresponding physical symptom seemed to not yet have healed. Switching your focus to healing the physical aspect can bring about deeper realizations about the nature of the issue. Deeper layers of emotional pain may reveal themselves as the physical body begins to heal itself. One example may be in healing ourselves through fasting, diet change or various detoxification procedures such as colon cleansing or liver detoxification. When we undergo a detoxification of the body or a simple change of diet to healthier cleaner foods, the stress of digesting and processing heavy toxins from an unhealthy diet is alleviated from the organs in our bodies and our bodies are given the space needed to heal themselves. Naturally, the most unhealthy cells in our bodies will first become eliminated and replaced with healthy cells. As these unhealthy cells go, so too do any trapped negative thoughts or feelings that may have been a part of them, go. Detoxification of the physical body therefore becomes not only a process of the physical body, but a much more dynamic healing process involving the conscious participation of the mind and spirit.
Similarly, in the case of healing a physical symptom with physical protocols, you may find that you have tried every physical protocol available for it and still to no avail. The physical cannot fully heal until the underlying emotional or mental cause is fully eliminated. Once the underlying feeling or thought is healed, you may suddenly find yourself the perfect doctor for your physical problem, or the body may even just heal itself on its own!
Our bodies are truly amazing things. They are often our best teachers on our spiritual path!
Friday, September 07, 2007
A Look at Money Issues, When Saturn Transits my Second House
Since June this year, Saturn has entered my second house. When Saturn swiped past my ascendant, that was exactly when I started my inner work journey to release many programmed mental patterns and unexpressed emotions from the past. (As first house denotes our outer appearance, I also lost a few pounds with the shedding of those programming!) In spiritual astrology, Saturn is the spiritual teacher. It is symbolic of the process of initiation among the mystics where the initiate must undergo a “transformation”, often a form of death in order to be rebirthed into becoming the embodiment of one’s higher nature. The transformation is often painful, as one sheds himself of the conditioning of the superego, experiences a shattering of the illusions and delusions of the superego, and then rises out of the chaos with a renewed sense of self and power. In astrology, the house in which Saturn transits will show you through which arena of your life you are going to be become initiated into higher truths about your self and reality; and if you manage to “pass” Saturn’s tests, which are often quite challenging (especially if your conscious self resist the chaos or crisis Saturn often puts you through in order to transcend what does not serve you, often due to a lack of self-awareness), Saturn will also reward you. So it is a tough teacher, but a friendly one! And of course, from a spiritual perspective, Saturn really is a friend, without Saturn, we may not be afforded the chance to grow and evolve to become expressions of our Essential qualities of love, joy, beauty, strength and much more…
So, let’s look at what happened when Saturn started to transit my second house. In my natal chart, I have a Jupiter in my second house. In my experience of this disposition, I basically have a tendency to over-spend on things with little to no regard of the practical value of them. I have little sense of the value of things in general, so basically when I want something, I buy it with little to no consideration of the sensibleness of its pricing nor its practicality and value. Basically I have a tendency for extravagance. Now extravagance really is the flipside of feeling lack, because they are actually the same thing expressed in opposite ways. For example, one might overspend or become attached to the indulgence in unnecessary luxury, really to cover up his or her fear of not having enough deep underneath. The same may apply to people who are excessively generous – one might over-extend oneself to others, motivated really by a sense of feeling worthless inside. The outer expression of true fulfillment or security (whether in terms of survival or emotional needs), is neither one extreme nor the other, but rather is at the fulcrum of either extremes, the place of equanimity or balance.
Back to Saturn. Saturn entered my second house in June this year. I’ve always been superficially aware of my Jupiter influence in my second house. I’ve also always constantly worried about not having enough money, regardless of how much money I actually have. It doesn’t stress me out too much but it can be a source of annoyance when there’s always a lil’ voice in your head wanting to have more and pouting when you’re not getting more. The second house is about about self-value and what we value in our life, it is not the house of money; however, from my understanding, money is always associated with this house because of the following reason. First of all, money is the most basic commodity required to acquire anything in this world, including all items of survival and items that nourish us and/or enrich our lives, often including things that make us happy! (This isn’t say that we have to have money to be happy, but without any money, the average human being is likely to be quite miserable.) Without money, there really isn’t many things we can do in the modern physical world. So, if we have poor self-value, we are likely to be, at an unconscious or conscious level, quite neglectful of how to take care of ourselves, nourish ourselves in the physical world in which we are a part, or feel undeserving of the above and of enjoying the good things in life, and oftentimes, this would manifest as having issues with money! A low self-value may sometimes be sourced from a lack of groundedness to the physical reality - one may feel confused about who we are in relation to the physical reality, (which can again manifest as issues with money), because true security can only come from remembering that we, as human beings, are an integral part of this world and that there really is no separation between our spiritual and physical nature. My encounter with Saturn in my second house did exactly in teaching me the above, but of course, first putting me through a few very minor “ouches”. For example, functioning from my Jupiter impulse to need to eat well every meal (or else I’ll get irritated and may even throw a fit!) while I was traveling in the US, my partner and I got into a little ugly fight with me steamed in anger towards his decision to eat Burger King. While he was momentarily away, I brought myself to the present and reflected on my feeling of frustration of not being able to eat a “good” meal and immediately I felt a deep feeling of hurt underneath my boiled up anger of feeling that my needs are never met! (Classic base chakra childhood issue) As soon as the anger and the hidden hurt feeling was honoured and felt, I returned to a state of calm and consciously chose to feel gratitude for whatever I was experiencing in the moment. After that incident, I discovered that I no longer felt the same feelings of neediness towards extravagance as I did in the past. This was among one of the few little Saturn tests I had in the past months. My concept about money has also changed as a result of these tests. I started to see money more as a commodity for getting our survival needs met rather than something that I always need to have more of. With that revised view towards money, I’m much less worried about not having enough because my sense of security about being in the physical dimension doesn’t have to come from constantly acquiring more money. At a deeper level, I am starting to really know that I’ll always be taken care of. Now this is not to say though, that you will lose your desire for money and hence stop doing anything to get money. Quite the contrary will happen - the person with a greater sense of security about herself and about functioning in the physical reality will naturally have better instincts about how to get herself well-fed, well-sheltered and probably not run into money problems because those unconscious feelings of insecurity from false perceptions of reality are no longer there.
Now this article is not meant to diagnose what will happen to you when your Saturn enters your second house. Lessons, tests always play out differently for different people because a chart needs to be evaluated as a whole and people’s psyche are complicated period. What I intend here is to share with you what Saturn has taught me; for I believe, that at some level, all lessons are universal and that whether Saturn is entering your second house or not, the lesson inherent in the second house, (in my case it was kick started by the presence of Saturn) can apply to the deepening of your self-knowledge in some way or another.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Thought is Power. Power is Love. Love is Creation. Creation is Expansion. Expansion is Infinity.
Therefore Thought is Infinity.
May All Thoughts be an Expression of the Infinite, forever in expansion, forever fuming the Wheels of Fortune for All of Life. May All Life be an Expression of All Thoughts, flowing through All Forms celebrating the Beauty of Divine Existence. May Reverence permeate all Thoughts, blessing All of Existence for multiplication.
Ladybug from Lalala Land.... just thinking...
Therefore Thought is Infinity.
May All Thoughts be an Expression of the Infinite, forever in expansion, forever fuming the Wheels of Fortune for All of Life. May All Life be an Expression of All Thoughts, flowing through All Forms celebrating the Beauty of Divine Existence. May Reverence permeate all Thoughts, blessing All of Existence for multiplication.
Ladybug from Lalala Land.... just thinking...
Monday, July 09, 2007
Astrology, Consciousness, 2012
I’ve been studying and practicing a lot of astrology recently, including starting a correspondence course on Vedic Astrology, which is surprisingly and pleasantly delightful and enlightening as the study of Vedic Astrology, which comes from the Vedas (Indian sacred knowledge), contains insightful information on Creation and the evolution of mankind. It describes how the planetary energies contain the energy of creation from Source which are then disseminated to and embodied in the human design. It discusses the concept of time as every astrological birth chart is a “moment” in time detailing then an experience and expression of an essence manifested in form over time which is externalized in space. It sheds light to the great human evolutionary cycles, explaining how the ages of consciousness, called “Yugas” unfold as a result of the direction our solar system is moving in respect to the galactic center. When the solar system is moving away from the galactic center, we “fall” in consciousness, and when we move towards the galactic center, we “rise” in consciousness – the entire cycle spans approximately 25,000 years with the following order of Yugas while we are on a consciousness ascension cycle - from the darkest to the lightest of ages: Kali, Dwapara, Treta and Satya. So according to the Vedas, we have entered the second age or Dwapara since 1,699AD and will continue to move into greater light until the end of Satya in 12,999AD.
Now let me jump around here. The Mayans, somehow, broke time into (I haven’t gathered all the facts on this but here is what I know) the Mayan sun cycles and claimed that the cycle we’re now in, the fifth sun cycle, will end on December 23, 2012, 11:11am. Now many channelers or psychics and more astrologers will tell you more or less the same thing that we’ll be going through some huge energetic/consciousness shift in 2012. Some say Earth will experience a pole shift that will inevitably wipe out the majority of human race before the Golden Age can happen. Now that’s probably what happened in Atlantis, Earth’s magnetic field collapsed from a pole shift (north and south pole flipped!) that wiped out Atlantis, brought on the Ice Age which preceded the ancient Egyptian and Sumerian civilizations which are the most ancient civilizations we know. Then there is the happy-ending story which says that we’ll move into 5D consciousness from 2012 onwards, the party will begin and then we’ll all be golden, there will be world peace, no war, no famine, hip hip hooray! The truth is, whatever you believe to be the future is probably just you tapping into the force of the collective unconsciousness that says any of the above, whichever the story you choose to believe in, it’s probably not yours to begin with. It’s some creation that started with somebody and you’re simply hitching a ride. I’m not being negative or cynical here, I’m just stating a fact. When you channel anything about the future, you are probably just channeling what is out there, like tuning into the FM radio station and if there’s junk floating out there, you’re picking that up too. Then there are parallel universes that are occuring all at the same time but that is no evidence to what actually will happen in physical reality, so tapping into future realities still can't tell you what will happen. If you are a visionary (meaning you have an active third eye chakra), you’re seeing the future as you’re creating it with your imagination and the more you do that, the more probable that which you envision will become your reality and hence the reality of all of Earth’s people. I truly doubt anyone on this planet at this moment knows really what is going to happen – maybe there are a few enlightened prophets who do know. But the truth is not what is going to happen. The truth is to remember that whatever that is to happen, there is still only one reason for any of us to be here at this moment, and that is for us to continue our Earthly experience like there is no tomorrow. It is for us to live with an awakened mind, an awakened heart. It is for us to know ourselves, love ourselves and accept ourselves for wherever we are in our lives, for, whatever we’re individually going through or experiencing, we’ll only really be experiencing it only once. And THAT, is divine. Now we’re all unique, for never ever in the history of mankind or ever will be in the future of mankind, has there been another being or soul that was, or will be created in the exact same moment you were created, or have the exact same experience you are experiencing from the physical body you currently have! So rejoice that you’re reading this right NOW! And be prepared to die. Or party. Either way it will be a party, just a matter of whether it will be on Earth or elsewhere!
Now from a different perspective, the whole creation of 2012 being the critical time during which 5D consciousness is fully anchored on Earth is fabulous and beautiful. You see, the future determines the present. When we make choices about the future, we are shifting also the experiences we will and are to experience in the present and all the way from the very present to that very future we have chosen for it to be. So think of 2012 as an intention the collective human race has made, way back from the times of the Mayans or even before that, to be the day we move fully into the Golden Age. Therefore tracking backwards from 2012, we're now in the incoming phase of the Garden of Eden. Some of us may find that you are already in the Garden, if that is the consciousness you have anchored; some of us may find that you're struggling to get into the Garden because a part of you is conscious of the Garden while another part of you isn't Yet. So keep yourself focused in the direction of the Garden and you'll be there in no time at all! Hip hip hooray!
So all I wanted to do here is to present my facts, my beliefs, my perception, my take. So don’t ask me what’s gonna happen in 2012. Nothing will, something might. Your reality will continue to shift because your perceptions of your reality is constantly shifting as you grow, evolve and experience your life from all the experiences and events that you have constructed for yourself. Our world is ruled by ideas and beliefs. There is no truth to the outer reality. There is perception, observation, but that again depends on where you’re coming from. So keep following your heart.
Blessings to all!
Monday, June 25, 2007
When We Become Conscious
When we become conscious,
We are becoming conscious that there is a Greater Reality beyond our everyday mundane perception of reality through our physical five senses...
We are becoming conscious that every event which "happens" to us, or around us, is somehow occurring in an orchestrated sequence possibly pre-determined by a greater force we may or may not be a part of...
We are becoming conscious that within ourselves is a Powerful Presence which watches over an Outer Reality which may or may not be a construct of that Presence...
We are becoming conscious that every individual is experiencing an unique expression of the same Powerful Presence from which All of Creation has sprung and continues to spring forth...
We are becoming conscious that All That Is and Is Not Is Love...
and we are Grateful of All that Becomes and Is.
The Universe is forever in Expansion. Expansion is a constant of the Mind. The Mind is forever Conscious.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Love, Light, Surrender, Asunder
In the midst of change, there is a bright new light
That calls beyond your name, showering you with cosmic bright
In the midst of chaos, a gust of wind blows,
Taking you to new depths of your soul
Why art thou have changed?
No I have changed not
Is there truth within the depths of your soul?
Or is there seed beyond the greatest doubts?
Plundering beyond what may be called Light,
Yet building from behind the greatest pyramid of all -
The pyramid of Gizah lies the sacred tomb of the dead
Those who can access the dead knows only the truth,
For yet another layer of light may be revealed.
To those willing to uphold the brightest fire amidst the greatest disorder,
Let not the truth be fooled, but let it be shone with bright
Let not the courageous lose their foot, therefore let there be light.
I, those who call the Great Ones, once trodded the land of the saints
Plundered in the darkness of the lord, swinging forth into the land of bright
Now find myself in the highest chamber of All, that which is called Love
-The Great Ones
That calls beyond your name, showering you with cosmic bright
In the midst of chaos, a gust of wind blows,
Taking you to new depths of your soul
Why art thou have changed?
No I have changed not
Is there truth within the depths of your soul?
Or is there seed beyond the greatest doubts?
Plundering beyond what may be called Light,
Yet building from behind the greatest pyramid of all -
The pyramid of Gizah lies the sacred tomb of the dead
Those who can access the dead knows only the truth,
For yet another layer of light may be revealed.
To those willing to uphold the brightest fire amidst the greatest disorder,
Let not the truth be fooled, but let it be shone with bright
Let not the courageous lose their foot, therefore let there be light.
I, those who call the Great Ones, once trodded the land of the saints
Plundered in the darkness of the lord, swinging forth into the land of bright
Now find myself in the highest chamber of All, that which is called Love
-The Great Ones
Sunday, May 27, 2007
The Three Centers of Being - Striking a Balance with Your Mind, Body and Spirit
Through Ray’s inspiration from some of Gurdjieff’s Enneagram work, I’ve come to gain a greater understanding of how different people are and are not. Basically, Gurdjieff divides the “human engine” into three different centers – the intellectual center (the mind), the emotional center (the heart) and the instinctual or gut center (the body), which correspond with the trinity of Mind, Body and Spirit, where mind is Mind, gut is Body and heart is Spirit.
Now all of us have all three centers and we function from all three, but the difference among people lies in the varying extent one is driven by each. The Mind thinks, the Heart feels, the Body acts. The Mind also fears, the Heart also grieves, and Body also expresses anger. Without balance, the person is likely to express the shadowside of the center he/she functions excessively from or the center he/she represses the most. Balance is key. The repressed one often brings us greatest troubles, therefore always seek to bring whatever that is repressed to the light; and that shall be your key to balance. Oftentimes, we simply need to be aware, and with self-awareness, we can use our free will to let centers which we normally use less of, guide and teach us from time to time. And by knowing which one we’re most driven by, we can also, once in a while, choose not to listen to the center which normally drives us. There are too many combos of perceptions and experiences you can choose from to live your life. Why not let yourself try something different?
Most importantly, there is no right or wrong to how we perceive reality and how we choose to live our life. All of life comes from the same Source. Whatever belongs and does not belong, belongs. The knowledge of this work really opened me more to compassion. I hope this will inspire you and bring you greater awareness of your self as well.
For me, I discovered that I’m a lot in the heart, and very repressed with my gut instinct (I simply can’t hear my gut, let alone express and assert myself), which I discovered, is caused by having a lot of unexpressed anger sourced from deeply rooted self-judgment from past situations. As I became more aware of this imbalance and allowed myself to feel my anger, I started to be able to hear my gut and assert myself accordingly more. A repressed gut also leads to a lack of discipline, will and action, as the gut, which comes more from the body, is oriented towards action, which is the fundamental expression of matter or the physical. Bringing my gut center to balance allowed me to be grounded in the physical, leading to a greater will to act and for me specifically, an increased capacity to experience present moment awareness.
Beyond our mind, body and spirit, lies a greater Force that drives us in our everyday reality. You can call it our higher self, or our Source self. Therefore do not worry that you need to change yourself if you discover that you’re more in one center and less in another. Simply grow in self-awareness. For it is in knowing the small self, often called our “personality”, that we may ultimately know the big Self – the pure consciousness in All.
Now all of us have all three centers and we function from all three, but the difference among people lies in the varying extent one is driven by each. The Mind thinks, the Heart feels, the Body acts. The Mind also fears, the Heart also grieves, and Body also expresses anger. Without balance, the person is likely to express the shadowside of the center he/she functions excessively from or the center he/she represses the most. Balance is key. The repressed one often brings us greatest troubles, therefore always seek to bring whatever that is repressed to the light; and that shall be your key to balance. Oftentimes, we simply need to be aware, and with self-awareness, we can use our free will to let centers which we normally use less of, guide and teach us from time to time. And by knowing which one we’re most driven by, we can also, once in a while, choose not to listen to the center which normally drives us. There are too many combos of perceptions and experiences you can choose from to live your life. Why not let yourself try something different?
Most importantly, there is no right or wrong to how we perceive reality and how we choose to live our life. All of life comes from the same Source. Whatever belongs and does not belong, belongs. The knowledge of this work really opened me more to compassion. I hope this will inspire you and bring you greater awareness of your self as well.
For me, I discovered that I’m a lot in the heart, and very repressed with my gut instinct (I simply can’t hear my gut, let alone express and assert myself), which I discovered, is caused by having a lot of unexpressed anger sourced from deeply rooted self-judgment from past situations. As I became more aware of this imbalance and allowed myself to feel my anger, I started to be able to hear my gut and assert myself accordingly more. A repressed gut also leads to a lack of discipline, will and action, as the gut, which comes more from the body, is oriented towards action, which is the fundamental expression of matter or the physical. Bringing my gut center to balance allowed me to be grounded in the physical, leading to a greater will to act and for me specifically, an increased capacity to experience present moment awareness.
Beyond our mind, body and spirit, lies a greater Force that drives us in our everyday reality. You can call it our higher self, or our Source self. Therefore do not worry that you need to change yourself if you discover that you’re more in one center and less in another. Simply grow in self-awareness. For it is in knowing the small self, often called our “personality”, that we may ultimately know the big Self – the pure consciousness in All.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
The Process of Dis-Identification - Channeled from Seth
As our consciousnesses rise in the journey of Ascension, our awareness and sensation of the thought energies that underlie the physical manifestation of every situation sharpen and we start to experience these moments of objective Observation of reality rather than being an actress or subjective participant within the Grand play on Earth. In the latter experience, we perceive reality to be completely subjective. We require what happens to us, around us to define our perception of existence. In shifting to becoming an Observer, we begin to perceive existence as merely a state “being”ness. And everything else, including events that do indeed happen to us directly (including all things that do affect us on a personal level) starts to lose their significance to your existence. You can call this “dis-identification”.
During the process of dis-identification, there still may be elements of yourself that you will identify with, as not the vibrations of all aspects in your life can be “observed” yet. For example, one of the most recent lessons I am learning is to fully honour my anger for what it is, no more, no less, not bad, not good. It simply is. To learn this lesson, I need to become fully present with my anger, and every time if my mind chooses to judge it, I am NOT fully present because to be fully present means full acceptance. And every time my mind does judge it, I’m identifying with the anger and not observing it. For if I’m truly observing the anger, there wouldn’t be judgement; as the art of Observer-ship by nature negates judgment. But when I am aware that I am identifying, and I then choose to become more and more present with this part of myself, the energy of anger then has a space to be transmuted. For to be in the state of Observer-ship, also means to be fully one with the Love vibration, which has the power to negate anything lower in vibration than itself.
Through the practice of “dis-identification”, the polarities lived through mundane and “unwakeful” existence can be transcended and then we become “awake”, or “wakeful”. The journey of Wakefulness is a journey which the Unawake chooses to open him/herself to that state of Beingness.
Let me summarize the key points to moving from polarization to neutrality or "beingnesss" (seeing reality as polarized to seeing reality for what is real) that has worked for me:
1) Be aware of your thoughts, feelings, reactions, through self-observation in everyday situations. Often situations that create conflict/tension for you bring to you subjective thoughts or feelings that are most ready for transmutation. (Do not dig deeper than what is there in your face.)
2) Release the mind from judgement and simply observe. Accept yourself for whereever you are at, whatever you're thinking and feeling. Accept also the situation for what it is.
3) Release even the need to change your thoughts and feelings.
4) Once you have observed your thoughts and feelings, you may simply let them be, or you may feel an urge to take some kind of action, such as speaking up, making a decision. Do so.
5) If you feel you need to dig deeper to understand your own behaviour or patterns, do so with the help of another. Always consult another, ideally someone who has been where you have been. Oftentimes, we can only see ourselves to the extent our beliefs allow us to, therefore you may find that you're beating around the bush on one pattern and never manage to truly observe with non-judgment.
6) Last but not least, in times of confusion or distress, remember there is a Higher Authority looking over our growth, therefore PRAYING ALWAYS WORKS!
Thursday, May 17, 2007
All That Is and Is Not Becomes
As we, Mother Earth and its inhabitants, tornado through higher velocities of galactic space like a spaceship traversing the Photon Band into the center of the galaxy, much of the densities, the chaos, the disorder, the confusion, everything we perceive to be the ways things “should” be and everything that “shouldn’t” be, are being brought to the fore of our consciousnesses. Much of this process, which is a part of the orchestrated “Ascension”, may be experienced as emotional frustration, catharsis one after another, distress, dis-ease, and even depression. Those who are less emotionally inclined, and possibly more peaceful, may also experience the higher states of changes manifested outwardly on the physical plane, such as sudden changes in residence and jobs, traveling to unknown remote places, changes in outer appearances, inexplainable synchronistic events and so forth. All that is occurring is but a result of a shifting in the velocities of our vibrations in preparation for anchoring all of humanity’s consciousness out of polarization into full “Sourceship” – a state of being at One with All.
For me, the past few months have been a combination of all of the above mentioned “symptoms”. The changes I experienced in my outer world reflected the changes I experienced in my inner. Almost every time I thought I have learned a new way of being, shed one layer of old skin that was blocking me from remembering who I am, another layer surfaces to remind me how far I’m yet to go. Humans are creatures of habit and therefore sometimes we may find that the new lesson is similar to the previous one, but never EXACTLY the same. There is always an uniqueness to each. While the similarity of the lessons help to fully kick us out of an old way of being. As our learning progresses, more and more of our Essence is remembered. In due process, we are constantly growing to become a larger and larger aspect of ourselves. Our light expands, and with proper grounding, our light can be anchored to be used to fulfill our Dharmas – our service here on Earth.
In such times of change, the safest place to be is to be in our bodies, through which we can access the Here and Now. So when you feel like nothing makes sense in your reality, always come back to your sensations. Feel you toes, feel your fingers, feel the hair on your arm, the food being digested in your intestines. Remind yourself that you are here and that is all that matters. And everything else shall unfold.
Friday, April 20, 2007
The Path of the Soul, the Path of Love
If you think of our Soul, as the pilot of the Heart, sitting within the chambers of the our Heart. And if you think of the Heart, as being that part of us, which nourishes our entire being, be it our physical body, the mind, or our spirit. Then you remember that our Soul carries with it, the magical force which directs our being in our everyday life. Our Soul is that aspect of us, which resides with God. And as the saying goes, the eyes are the windows of our Souls, through the eyes of each other, we are reminded of our own Godliness. Through the eyes of each other, we are reminded of the Greatness from which we have been created, and the Greatness with which we can continue to create.
The path of the Soul is one where we choose to connect with God consciously. And the God we choose to connect with dwells not outside of us, but inside of us. Within the greatest depths of our Heart, lies the eternal Lord. This eternal Lord is Love. God is Love. Love is God. The two statements mean differently. Yet both are representations of the same truth.
In love, we remember our true selves. We remember who we are. In love, we become conscious of God and we become God, which lies not without, but within. The path of the Soul then, is one which seeks to take us back to Love. The Soul never fails. The Soul always tries hard. While the non-Soul, which is that part of us, which does not always live in the Heart, forgets, the Soul remembers. And it is for this reason, that the Soul yearns for its partner to re-remember. It is for this reason, that the Soul, in its every effort, lovingly guides and urges the non-Soul to remember herself – that which is Love.
Self-love, then, simply means, remembering who we are.
(Picture sourced from
Monday, April 09, 2007
Recently I’ve been feeling like a hermit, not wanting to be seen, not wanting to be heard, and even not wanting to be here, like HERE, period. Then anyway, I know I go through my phases, like a crab (I’m a cancer rising, if that means anything to you) and I’m fine with that. Today though the feelings were especially intense and during my meditation this morning, I felt deep sadness in the area between my second and third chakra (right where my tummy is). Some emotions were released and I continued to be in that state of feeling I just wanna be home with God.
I pulled up my astrology birth chart. Noted I have a Sun conjunct IC (which literally means the person with this combo likes to live a private life, basically like to be a hermit) and a Mars trine Neptune (which means the person has trouble asserting herself, expressing anger, wanting to “do” anything…). Well I thought, if that’s the case, so be it. That’s me. So I accepted it, celebrated it. Now what. Then there’s that other part of me who knows that all of this astrology stuff is dressing anyway, like our clothes, and we don’t have to be anything on the chart if we choose not to be. The truth is, we are not our emotions, we are not our body, we are not even our mind. If that makes any sense to you. What is important is to understand what’s sourcing the dressing, what’s driving me to be me in this world. That I find enticing. Yummy.
Alright, to the crux of this blog. Continuing to feel the way I was feeling. After lunch, I decided to take a bath. I was intuitively guided to bring with me three candles and pour a few drops of my Aurasoma soul bottle (no. 11) (which is supposed to mean Abandonment!) into the bath. Without any sense of what’s about to happen, I dipped myself in the bath like I would in any usual bath. Then for whatever reason, a stream of suicidal thoughts start filling my mind, all the feelings of not wanting to be here, all the feelings of not feeling worthy, all the feelings of lifelessness filled my entire being. At some point, I thought, hmm… maybe I had a pastlife where I died from drug overdose and I’m just experiencing those feelings again. Felt literally like a “Fallen Angel”… Then I decided to pray. But then even my prayers were lifeless, like did I even wanna get help? .. “Archangel Michael, please bring me some clarity… Archangel Michael, please help me pull through this… etc…” Hope he heard me and will take me seriously.
Then about half a minute later, I turned my body sideways, with my head half in the water and legs bent. Then immediately I started to feel deep sadness and started to cry. Right away I knew I was doing a rebirthing for myself! This is how I felt when I was in my mom’s womb. This exact position, the feelings of not wanting to come to the world. As a baby in the womb, I picked up my parents’ feelings of not wanting me and I held in my subconscious, feelings of abandonment held in my tummy! (Exactly where the umbilical cord is.) Now this isn’t to say that my parents truly didn’t want me. Oftentimes, parents feel this way quite unconsciously without them even knowing it simply because they’re afraid of the huge responsibility of raising a child and of all the changes that come with parenting. And the baby, being fully open psychically when in the womb, picks up on the subtlest thought and feeling of the parent, stores it in his/her subconscious, then go on in the world living out patterns of abandonment without consciously ever knowing why they feel so abandoned! As you may or may not know, 90% of the emotions we feel in adulthood are not triggered by anything you experience in adulthood at all! They are in fact just reminders of emotions we felt and suppressed to the unconscious before the age of 10. So if you feel angry towards someone at work, your anger is probably not really towards that person, but towards someone (likely a parent) that made you feel the same feeling you feel now when you were a kid, or a baby. Pastlife is also possible but what is lived out in a pastlife is lived out in this life anyway, so it isn’t entirely necessary to go so far back. Although sometimes it works too. Just remember that your intention to be healed is always the most important, the therapy, the methodology, the exact root cause are only supplementary.
One little tip for knowing if you may benefit from a rebirthing is to see where your Chiron is on your astrology chart. (Sorry this is only relevant if you know astrology) The Chiron represents the place of wounding in your chart. So if your Chiron is in either House 9, 10, 11 or 12, it means that your wounding occurred while you were in the womb. The ascendant represents the time and place your soul enters the physical world while the cusp of house 9 represents the time and place your soul enters your mother’s womb. My Chiron is in the 10th house.
Friday, February 23, 2007
The Path of Free Will
As I tread further on my evolutionary path, I've come to understand the concept of free will more and more. Free will exists only through self-awareness. The reason I say this is that free will exists solely in the choice between love and fear (see my earlier entry on "Choosing Between Love and Fear"), and everything else is destiny. Without self-awareness, the choice between love and fear does not exist for the individual. The individual thinks he or she has a choice, but he or she really does not. The individual is bound to the imprisonment of his or her own subconscious beliefs and fears, living out repetitive patterns created by them. Self-awareness gives us the opportunity to decide, whether we want to continue living out our subconscious fears, or to love ourselves enough, to follow our hearts' desires, despite those fears. Courage is moving ahead despite our fears. Fears are like our partners, they exist only to show us, that there is indeed another path, the path of liberation. And as we dive ahead with our full hearts, we become fully liberated, we are on destiny. Therefore we need not pursue our destiny. It simply becomes, and is.
True liberation means, living fully on destiny. And living on destiny is the highest expression of free will. Free will then becomes an aspiration to a higher order, the divine will. We become now pure instruments of the divine.
Now our futures are the product of every choice we make today. Create the future that you want, by changing the way you make choices today. Start today. Be aware. Practice it. Live it. And breathe it.
Dr Stephen Greer - ET Contact and World-Saving Technology
Recently I've been following the work of this man by the name of Dr Stephen Greer who has done extensive work in disclosing to the public his contact with ETs from highly advanced civilizations and more importantly, humanity's possession of highly evolved energy technology, which, if put to use with peaceful means, can help to bring about a peaceful Earth with no poverty and environmental damage currently affecting Earth in profound ways.
In his book, "Hidden Truth, Forbidden Knowledge", he shares his vision of the future of our world, an era which is believed to come to existence within our generation. He talks of a world where the existing urban structure of cities and suburbs will disappear, to be replaced by a globe of villages where everyone lives in harmony with each other, as every part of the world will be easily accessed within literally minutes when the anti-gravity technology systems (which already exist!) are put to use. He talks of a world of no poverty as the costs of manufacturing all life-necessities (including housing, food etc) will reduce substantially (to nearly zero cost) with the implementation of free energy systems that can generate energy without use of resources (which is entirely possible since God created the world out of literally nothing, or actually, the Love energy) which again, already exist! Work hours will reduce to 10-20 hours a week since everything that requires tremendous time and energy now, will not. Since much less time is spent on survival (as every material need will be met!), humans will be freed to spend their time in more joyful pursuits such as creativity, leisure and learning. We'll become a civilization of humans where we can pursue higher states of consciousness and enlightenment, where we will be able to live in joy, love and harmony with every being on this and other planets!
I thought his work is incredible and his persistent voice in the public arena a real source of inspiration. I wish to share this information with you (fish around if this appeals to you), and however you would like to receive it or use it, let it be an
inspiration and support in your intention to co-create Heaven on Earth.
Links to his workshops and his research on zero-point energy propulsion technology systems:
May you always heed to the callings of your heart. And may the light within you shine every so brightly! Namaste!
Friday, February 09, 2007
A Return to Power through Healing Allergies
I’ve been wanting to share with you my experience in my last US trip for the longest time and finally my words are flowing onto my computer screen. It’s interesting how divine timing plays into everything little part of our lives, including when it is to update my blog.
Around middle of October last year, Spirit told me that I was about to experience a very very major transformation in my life. Having just returned from South America for only several weeks and having experienced lots of inner changes already while I was in South America, I really had no clue what Spirit was about to bring me. Huh? Another major transformation? And a very major one? Great. Wished I was hearing incorrectly but that rarely happens with a message like that.
So anyway, several days later, I started to wake up with random parts of my face swollen. First it was my left eye but the swelling went away the same night. Then it was my right ear, again it went away the next day. Then few days passed and this time my left eye and right ear were swollen at the same time and much more serious than they did the other times. I figured something must be wrong with my body so I decided to consult a friend who suggested that I take some supplements for the liver as my liver is probably too hot (based of Chinese medicine theories). The next day both my eyes were swollen to unbelievable degrees and I decided to go see a Chinese doctor who told me that yes, my liver is too hot and that I was having an allergic reaction and therefore needed to detox my intestines in order to help boost my immune system such that the body can heal from the allergy. After taking some medication for detox, my eyes got better the next day and so I thought I must be fine. The same night, I experienced, what I later discovered, an analyphactic allergy attack, something that could’ve been fatal and that made me feel like I was going to die. I experienced hours of cold sweating and fever, my whole body fested with painful and itchy patches of rash all over, especially in my throat. I experienced tremendous fear, which later I realized was from a pastlife where I died from something similar. I woke up next morning rushing to the Chinese doctor. Received more medication and did some inner work to release my emotions of feeling separate from God. I obviously had an issue of feeling like a victim to diseases and I felt so much pain and sadness being sick. Few days later I was scheduled to go to the US to study Soul Memory and to travel to Arizona. Knowing in my heart I must go on this trip, I left Hong Kong anyway despite feeling much fear as my allergies were unhealed. (I remember leaving with a swollen ankle and wrist and hiding them away from my parents to prevent them from worrying and stopping me from going.)
While I was studying Soul Memory, another layer of fears came up related to my skin problem and I had another analyphactic attack during one day of the class in which I skipped. However this time I was more calm and didn’t feel as much fear as I did before. Now all this time I didn’t really know what I was allergic to. I was simply allergic for no reason. The easiest thing to blame was food but that obviously wasn’t true, as there were days I would nearly fast or I would eat only veggies and the rashes still creeped up on me. All I knew then was that I had some kind of subconscious power issue sourced from my third chakra, the solar plexus, as allergies are caused by immune system malfunctioning stemming from problem in the liver and the health of the liver is sourced from the third chakra. But, what was I really allergic to?
After my Soul Memory course, I traveled to Sedona (Arizona) on my own, a trip that I have envisioned for myself for some time. For those of you who haven’t heard about Sedona, Sedona is one of the most spiritual places on Earth as it has four huge energy vortices. What an energy vortex is is basically a portal or an opening where very high vibration energy is sourced through from higher dimensions. Loads of tourists visit Sedona every year to experience these vortices for the purpose of healing. Everybody can expect a different experience with the vortices as we all need different things at different times in our lives. When I first landed in Sedona, Spirit told me that I no longer need to suffer from physical diseases anymore! Wow, what a message! I’d love to know how I can manifest that! So in the days to come, they showed me how.
First I was guided to visit one of the four vortices, Bell Rock. I meditated at the vortex and in my meditation, I asked the vortex energy to take away my skin allergy issue. The same night I turned on the TV, and there it was, a religious show with a preacher talking about how we learn love and compassion through embracing Jesus’ teachings; and for some reason, I couldn’t stop crying when I watched the show. After crying for maybe ten seconds, I coughed up some energy from my stomach and I experienced a miracle! All my allergies went away within literally an hour! I was healed! I couldn’t believe it myself but I was healed! The next morning I continued to be free of allergies. I was so excited!
The next morning I was guided to visit a place called Angel Valley. Interestingly, I’ve found this place online a year ago when I was doing research on Sedona and I had sort of forgotten about this place until I saw a flyer of it again the night before. So no coincidence. While I was at Angel Valley, I met a lightworker by the name of Michael who runs the place. Michael works with the four big archangels (Michael, Uriel, Gabriel and Raphael) in setting up the place as a spiritual retreat for people to understand themselves better. I was profoundly enlightened and transformed by our conversation. What I came to realize about myself really changed the way I perceive reality and showed me how much power we have as God’s partners, rather than humans with limited control over our lives. The answer to the question, what was I allergic to, came to light. I realized that throughout my life I have believed that I must experience sickness in order to know God, or know Light. I needed to beat myself up so that I can then learn to love myself better. While that belief and way of living had served me to learn love and compassion, I realized that I also have the power to choose to know Light in a different way. And so what I was allergic to was my victim self, the self that loved to beat myself up, play “I’m sick”, in order to know God or Light. A disease is simply a physical manifestation of an aspect of ourselves that we are in dis-ease with. To heal ourselves of diseases simply requires us to embrace that aspect of our Self that we have rejected and not brought to light. And as we embrace all of the different aspects of the Self, we naturally return to wholeness, to balance. Therefore, healing is nothing more than understanding all of the Self, and then embracing all of it. And once we know all aspects of our Self, be it good or bad (there is in fact no good or bad as that duality only exists in our judgment but not in truth) we can choose to express the Self in whatever way we like. Knowing that I was in dis-ease with my victim self and that I believed I could only know God through being sick, I now have a choice to create a different reality through believing something else. With that knowing, I choose to believe that I can know God simply through being happy and joyful, rather than through experiencing darkness. And that was what my angels showed me that day. A beam of truth, a beam of light.
For about a month after that day, I continued to experience coming and going of my allergies. But each time my allergies returned, I would affirm my new belief, connect my heart with Source, and my allergies would always go away the next day. I had no fear of it as the experience also made me see how the physical body is nothing more than a vehicle that holds my Spirit Self, that aspect of my Self which is always one with God. The I AM presence, as many New Agers would call it. Allergies are now permanently gone and I have regained my power as a Co-Creator of my reality. Our beliefs always create our realities. What do you believe? And what are you creating?
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
The Creation of Purple Ray Essence - January 3, 2007
While I was in Coronado Island, San Diego (where I created Gold Ray) in November, Spirit advised that my second essence, the Purple Ray, is to be created within the next month. So, as a diligent liaison down here on Earth, I waited for further guidance. On the Wednesday before my trip to Guilin with my family, I received a message that I will meet the “being” from which the Purple Ray will be created. Following that message, I took with me, to China, all the tools needed to creating a nature essence, which include a big stock bottle half-filled with Brandy for containing the Mother Tincture, a tweezer and a bowl. Not knowing how I would manage to have any private time to connect/channel and create the essence while I travel with a organized tour with my family, I trusted that everything will just happen! On the night of our arrival which was Friday, Spirit told me that the essence is be created on Sunday. Then on Saturday morning, I discovered from our tour guide that we would travel to Yangshou, a town 60 km from Guilin city center, on Sunday, which made perfect sense to me as Yangshou is highly renowned for its scenic beauty and is probably a much less polluted place than Guilin of which the chance of finding pure energies for creating essences would be much higher. Then on Saturday, while my family and I were hanging out underneath a relatively big banyan tree next to a scenic spot, one of the tour guides suddenly remarked to us that there is a famous banyan tree in Yangshou that is 1,400 year-old! I knew instantly that that is exactly the tree that I need to connect with in order to create Purple Ray! My heart fluttered with excitement and anticipation, while at the same time, my stomach was filled with butterflies as I also discovered that visiting that 1,400 old tree wasn’t part of our travel itinerary. Spirit confirmed to me that I will be guided to the tree and that everything will work out smoothly. Interestingly, both my parents were picking up my vibes and were more keen to visit the tree than even I was! The other thing that perplexed me was how I would be able to make an essence from the tree with limited time (specifically I wasn’t sure how I could put its leaf in a bowl of water underneath the sun for hours when we would be traveling from place to place). To this issue, Spirit told me that I will understand fully when I see the tree. Great.
The thought of visiting the tree hovered in my mind nonstop. I decided to surrender and trust that it will all happen as divinely orchestrated. The next morning we followed the tour group as planned without any sign of seeing the big Banyan tree. Then during lunch, our tour guide told us that we would be going to West Market for one hour of shopping and Spirit immediately whispered in my ears that I will not be going to West Market, I will be going to see the tree during that time. Then I told my father I would really like to see the Banyan tree and my father immediately arranged with the tour guide for my family to make a slight detour from the group to visit this tree which was, to no coincidence, only 10 minute cab ride from West Market – the beautiful works of Spirit of course!
My encounter with the tree was absolutely amazing! First of all, this tree is HUGE. The whole land area it covers probably spans about 20 to 30 meters in radius. The tree is fenced as it is made into a tourist spot and only the locals were allowed near the tree on the 1st and 15th of each month on the Chinese calendar for rituals. Initially I was afraid to break the law so I stood at the fence diligently and tried to tune into the tree from afar. Then my father came over and told me to just go inside to touch and talk to the tree. He arranged with the security guard who kindly agreed to let me near the tree. So for about 20 minutes, I was running around next to the tree, snapping photos and connecting with it while everyone else were appreciating it from outside the fence! When I first tuned in to the tree, the tree showed me a very powerful image – a swirling vortex energy force which I immediately knew represented the force of Creation. Then with its wise old voice, it whispered to me, “What is it that you want to create?” Then it continued, “I have asked you to bring your essence-making tools only to show you that you in fact do not need them at all. For what is in me is also in you, for we are made of the same life force energy that created all of this universe.” The insight gave me a big “AHA”! I knew then that the energy is for manifestation and that one simply needs to be connected with the Creative force that is latent within each and one of us, in order to manifest all of our heart’s desires. And in the process of connecting with this Creative force, we are also growing up to our full glory as a Co-creator with Source, whereby every word we speak, every action we take, is a pure expression of God him and herself. From the tree’s message, I also trusted that I didn’t need to necessarily make an essence out of the tree physically and that I will be guided to anchoring its energy at a later time when all is ready. The energy was so powerful it literally blew me away for the rest of the day. I was so mesmerized by its strength and mystique and its connectedness with the Universe. Later that night, the tree visited me again in my sleep and triggered several intense dreams. I am sure it was already working with me unconsciously to assist me in manifesting whatever it is in my soul plan.
When I returned to Hong Kong, I kept getting visions of creating an etheric energy portal between the tree and my third eye in order to anchor the energy when the timing is right. Then on Christmas Eve, Spirit told me definitively that the Purple Ray is to be created exactly at noon on Christmas Day, 2006. Shortly before noon on Christmas, I downloaded the instructions of creating the essence, which involved creating sacred space, doing a few chants, connecting with the devic realm including Pan, and opening an etheric energy portal between the tree and my third eye and then directing the energy into the Mother Tincture bottle. Spirit recommends one to set an intention on specifically what one wants to manifest prior to using the essence. My sense is that it is most effective to focus on manifesting one thing each time one works with the Purple Ray, but of course, there is no golden rule, so go with your intuition whatever it is! Anyway, I’m so excited to share this new creation with you and again, I hope to work with Nature more and more to serve you better!
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