As we, Mother Earth and its inhabitants, tornado through higher velocities of galactic space like a spaceship traversing the Photon Band into the center of the galaxy, much of the densities, the chaos, the disorder, the confusion, everything we perceive to be the ways things “should” be and everything that “shouldn’t” be, are being brought to the fore of our consciousnesses. Much of this process, which is a part of the orchestrated “Ascension”, may be experienced as emotional frustration, catharsis one after another, distress, dis-ease, and even depression. Those who are less emotionally inclined, and possibly more peaceful, may also experience the higher states of changes manifested outwardly on the physical plane, such as sudden changes in residence and jobs, traveling to unknown remote places, changes in outer appearances, inexplainable synchronistic events and so forth. All that is occurring is but a result of a shifting in the velocities of our vibrations in preparation for anchoring all of humanity’s consciousness out of polarization into full “Sourceship” – a state of being at One with All.
For me, the past few months have been a combination of all of the above mentioned “symptoms”. The changes I experienced in my outer world reflected the changes I experienced in my inner. Almost every time I thought I have learned a new way of being, shed one layer of old skin that was blocking me from remembering who I am, another layer surfaces to remind me how far I’m yet to go. Humans are creatures of habit and therefore sometimes we may find that the new lesson is similar to the previous one, but never EXACTLY the same. There is always an uniqueness to each. While the similarity of the lessons help to fully kick us out of an old way of being. As our learning progresses, more and more of our Essence is remembered. In due process, we are constantly growing to become a larger and larger aspect of ourselves. Our light expands, and with proper grounding, our light can be anchored to be used to fulfill our Dharmas – our service here on Earth.
In such times of change, the safest place to be is to be in our bodies, through which we can access the Here and Now. So when you feel like nothing makes sense in your reality, always come back to your sensations. Feel you toes, feel your fingers, feel the hair on your arm, the food being digested in your intestines. Remind yourself that you are here and that is all that matters. And everything else shall unfold.
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