As our consciousnesses rise in the journey of Ascension, our awareness and sensation of the thought energies that underlie the physical manifestation of every situation sharpen and we start to experience these moments of objective Observation of reality rather than being an actress or subjective participant within the Grand play on Earth. In the latter experience, we perceive reality to be completely subjective. We require what happens to us, around us to define our perception of existence. In shifting to becoming an Observer, we begin to perceive existence as merely a state “being”ness. And everything else, including events that do indeed happen to us directly (including all things that do affect us on a personal level) starts to lose their significance to your existence. You can call this “dis-identification”.
During the process of dis-identification, there still may be elements of yourself that you will identify with, as not the vibrations of all aspects in your life can be “observed” yet. For example, one of the most recent lessons I am learning is to fully honour my anger for what it is, no more, no less, not bad, not good. It simply is. To learn this lesson, I need to become fully present with my anger, and every time if my mind chooses to judge it, I am NOT fully present because to be fully present means full acceptance. And every time my mind does judge it, I’m identifying with the anger and not observing it. For if I’m truly observing the anger, there wouldn’t be judgement; as the art of Observer-ship by nature negates judgment. But when I am aware that I am identifying, and I then choose to become more and more present with this part of myself, the energy of anger then has a space to be transmuted. For to be in the state of Observer-ship, also means to be fully one with the Love vibration, which has the power to negate anything lower in vibration than itself.
Through the practice of “dis-identification”, the polarities lived through mundane and “unwakeful” existence can be transcended and then we become “awake”, or “wakeful”. The journey of Wakefulness is a journey which the Unawake chooses to open him/herself to that state of Beingness.
Let me summarize the key points to moving from polarization to neutrality or "beingnesss" (seeing reality as polarized to seeing reality for what is real) that has worked for me:
1) Be aware of your thoughts, feelings, reactions, through self-observation in everyday situations. Often situations that create conflict/tension for you bring to you subjective thoughts or feelings that are most ready for transmutation. (Do not dig deeper than what is there in your face.)
2) Release the mind from judgement and simply observe. Accept yourself for whereever you are at, whatever you're thinking and feeling. Accept also the situation for what it is.
3) Release even the need to change your thoughts and feelings.
4) Once you have observed your thoughts and feelings, you may simply let them be, or you may feel an urge to take some kind of action, such as speaking up, making a decision. Do so.
5) If you feel you need to dig deeper to understand your own behaviour or patterns, do so with the help of another. Always consult another, ideally someone who has been where you have been. Oftentimes, we can only see ourselves to the extent our beliefs allow us to, therefore you may find that you're beating around the bush on one pattern and never manage to truly observe with non-judgment.
6) Last but not least, in times of confusion or distress, remember there is a Higher Authority looking over our growth, therefore PRAYING ALWAYS WORKS!
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