As I tread further on my evolutionary path, I've come to understand the concept of free will more and more. Free will exists only through self-awareness. The reason I say this is that free will exists solely in the choice between love and fear (see my earlier entry on "Choosing Between Love and Fear"), and everything else is destiny. Without self-awareness, the choice between love and fear does not exist for the individual. The individual thinks he or she has a choice, but he or she really does not. The individual is bound to the imprisonment of his or her own subconscious beliefs and fears, living out repetitive patterns created by them. Self-awareness gives us the opportunity to decide, whether we want to continue living out our subconscious fears, or to love ourselves enough, to follow our hearts' desires, despite those fears. Courage is moving ahead despite our fears. Fears are like our partners, they exist only to show us, that there is indeed another path, the path of liberation. And as we dive ahead with our full hearts, we become fully liberated, we are on destiny. Therefore we need not pursue our destiny. It simply becomes, and is.
True liberation means, living fully on destiny. And living on destiny is the highest expression of free will. Free will then becomes an aspiration to a higher order, the divine will. We become now pure instruments of the divine.
Now our futures are the product of every choice we make today. Create the future that you want, by changing the way you make choices today. Start today. Be aware. Practice it. Live it. And breathe it.
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