This year, I've had the opportunity to experience growth through two very meaningful romantic relationships. Both relationships challenged me to deepen my love for myself. At the end of the latter, I realized that, the very relationship that we often seek with another person, is simply a projection of the relationship we are seeking with ourselves. When one yearns for a partner, it is the yearning to reconnect with our own selves that is actually driving us. For oftentimes, it is through relating with another, that we can resolve the karmic lessons that we have brought into our lives and ultimately rediscover the essence of who we are. Ironically, we cannot truly relate with another as a complete individual, until we have built a quality relationship with ourselves. For again, the outer reality is always a mirror of our inner reality. As you learn to relate with yourself authentically, so too will you develop authentic relationships with other people. Your own authenticity will reflect back to you the authenticity of others. And it is only through this form of relationships, that both partners can deepen their love for each other over time. This explains why many relationships in modern day does not work. People get married deeply in love with each other and discover after several years of relating, that they are actually not compatible. True compatibility must again first come from the self. Inner disharmony causes us to project the shadow parts of ourselves onto our partners, creating the phenomenon of "incompatibility". Do not be fooled by the illusions of your outer reality. Look within and discover that place of Truth that shall reveal to you the secrets of having success in your outer reality, including a harmonious, supportive relationship that allows you to grow and evolve over time.
Evolution through conflict is often inevitable on this earthplane, as true Understanding is only deepened and integrated through real outer world experiences. Relationships is certainly a good place to experience such growth, if not the only place. In intimate relationships, the experience of intimacy with another brings up old feelings of hurt, pain, fears and jealousy from past relationships with other intimate partners or oftentimes those with our parents. These unprocessed pains hide in our subconscious and hold us back from experiencing deep soul joy and ecstacy. It is through hence, conflict within relationships, that we may evolve and deepen our union with our divine selves. And as we evolve through and with our relationships, salvation is possible. Therefore do not easily discard the idea of needing or wanting a partner. People who believe that they are better off being single, thinking that being single is more beneficial to their spiritual growth is often making this decision unconsciously really to avoid growth. It is the ego's defence to pain. Instead, keep manifesting relationships to help you grow and blossom as a human-being, and in the journey, you shall discover greater wonders about yourself and others. Finally, remember that it is your birthright to experience deep Love, Fulfillment and Pleasure in all aspects of reality.
May the coming year of 2008 be a fun-filled year of Joy and Ecstasy for All.
Hello Cherie,
What you said here is very true :)
wow, this was very inspirational. it articulated many beliefs that i have held in some form or another, but perhaps have been afraid to actually affirm-- the belief, that, for example, yearning for a relationship is merely the desire for love that only i can give myself.
why is it that love only comes when you're not looking? thanks for the post.
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