Since I started healing myself, I have had so many healing experiences, from regular energy healing sessions to all kinds of self-awareness workshops, to meditations (group and self), to getting sick (that’s healing too!) and to sitting through events in life that forced me to face many hidden fears. I am not going to discuss the different healing modalities I’ve tried, there are just too many! It is not my point here to discuss them today, for, as Eva has said, and so it is my belief as well, that literally anything on the planet can be healing, so long as you choose it to be...
Healing is a way of living where we consciously choose to look within ourselves for answers to issues in our lives. Healing is living in the moment, rather than in the past or future. Healing is walking closer to love, and farther away from fear. Healing is sitting in pain and understanding it. Healing is kissing your fears and realizing that they are only your illusions. Healing is seeing beauty in the not beautiful and seeing extraordinary in the ordinary. Healing is letting go of something precious, and then having it back triple-fold, because in the process we realize that nothing is ever lost. Healing is becoming vulnerable so that we can become stronger, happier, more peaceful, which is our natural state of being. Therefore, healing is re-becoming our true self.
I believe that suffering exists in this world only for us to learn to heal ourselves. We fall such that we will one day rise again. Therefore diseases are healing, as they teach us to grow, to live in the moment, and to trust. Dying is also healing, because through dying, we are forced to embrace the fear of death and to recognize that we are not separate but connected, whether in one lifetime or another. I've also read that some people like to use death as a motivator of change. Because if you just remember that we will all die one day anyway, then what excuse do you have to not choose to live your life in joy, but choose to waste time molding over the past, which no longer exists, and planning a future, which may not ever exist?
Healing is not to be sought, healing seeks us, and it is courage that allows us to see it.
(Photograph by Vicky Yeung)
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