If you have seen or remember the movie “Groundhog Day”, it talks about a man who had to relive the same day in his life over and over again until he undergoes a transformation of self-discovery. Reality is sorta like that too. Things seem to repeat themselves over and over again. We tend to attract similar situations or people into our lives. We get pissed off or annoyed over similar things, we get cheated in a similar way, we worry about the same things, we injure the same ankle over and over again etc… So why is it that life has chosen to be so ‘predictable’ in some sense? If I were to tell you, that life or our higher self (an unconscious part of our psyche which I identify as the driver of our conscious reality) is always looking out for us, serving us in our best interest, and that therefore these seemingly boring repetitive patterns in our lives are merely their best attempts to keep us in balance, will you believe me or shun me to hell?
Every one of us has chosen to come to this planet to learn some lessons, therefore even though some may seem to be happier, smarter, richer, luckier than others, we all have our fair share of challenges. Unfortunately, life isn’t exactly like a school course where whatever we are supposed to learn are spelled out on a syllabus on the first day of class. But even in school, we may get pop quizzes with test questions that blow us away if we haven’t paid attention during lectures. And life does also sorta function in a similar way here. We have to pay attention to what is going on around us. We have to be aware.
Repetitive patterns are clues to our core challenges. It’s our higher self’s or "fate’s" way of letting us know that something’s out of balance of which the underlying issue wants to come to light. In order to restore balance in our lives such that the pattern can be broken, we gotta first become aware of the issue, understand it, learn the lesson behind it, and finally, let it go. Sometimes the lesson may be to forgive someone or to forgive yourself through releasing self-guilt for something you may have done in the past. Sometimes the lesson maybe to learn to speak out our feelings, for the sake of learning to love ourselves enough that we are willing to speak up despite risking rejection or humiliation by others. For example, injuring our foot has to do with us having fears of moving forward in life because the foot is responsible for moving ahead. Recognizing this fear and then releasing it by learning to trust that everything will be ok in the future will help to restore balance into our lives. The list goes on and it is for you to explore what your challenge is. Awareness, my friend, is the key. Until then, time stands still.
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