My first encounter with the pendulum was at a night club where someone used it on me to tell when I will get married. I soon fell in love with this supernatural gadget and was swirling it on everyone-I-know’s palm and fortune telling their marriage age. To be honest, my accuracy so far is actually not bad, probably teeing in the seventies. But anyhow, I am not here to boast how accurate I can get with it in telling others’ future. What seemed just a little toy turned out to be much more.

Telling the future or tapping our hearts?
Learning to use the pendulum for me was a journey unto itself. Like many people, I wanted to know what the future holds for me. Why wouldn’t I? The future seems to hold all these wonderful things, finding the perfect mate to settle down with, becoming rich, changing to a better job, having children, moving into our dream home etc… So, in no time after I mastered swinging the pendulum, I was having every major and minor future events read for myself. Very soon I realized that none of what my pendulum ‘predicted’ came true and that all its answers were but projections of my own expectations of how my life should be based on others’ beliefs, past conditioning and more often than not, my fears developed from past events. As reality bit me, I figured that this little tool cannot actually read our future, what it can do however, is something far more wonderful - the ability to tap into our hearts.
What served as a fortune-telling tool, later served to teach me how to co-create our own realities by connecting with our inner voice, or our heart. Our heart is the key to our happiness and ultimately our future or destiny, for whatever we desire we can create, so it is very important to develop a clear communication with it. This may seem to be easy, but many of us have lost our abilities to listen to our hearts because we lead such busy lives and are constantly influenced by the thoughts and projections of people in our environment, society’s conditionings, beliefs acquired from past experiences that may not necessarily serve us at present or the future. So instead of asking my pendulum when something will happen, I ask for guidance on what steps to take that will take me closest to being happy. Oftentimes, what our heart tells us may not initially seem to be the good or right thing for us - I call that the battle between the heart and the mind. But, it is important to learn to trust it, follow through with it and then just let things unfold. With practice and trust, our heart will guide us to many wonderful things. Afterall, it is more important to be happy than right, as all we really have is the now, and who knows what will happen tomorrow.
Learning to follow our hearts in life also calls for letting go of certain fears, because sometimes we sabotage ourselves from even wanting to be happy because we are scared of change, scared of the consequences of doing that which makes us happy. Fear is but a creation of the mind, for whatever we fear will not come into existence until we follow through with the action of which we fear, and see it for ourselves. And if whatever we fear does come true (and this could happen because what we fear we become!), find out what we are really afraid of, acknowledge that it exists and understand why it is there. It may not necessarily go away immediately, but at least we understand it. And in time, step by step, with increased awareness, we will no longer have to live under its shadow. It is only when we try to run away from it by pretending it is not there, that it keeps running after us.
(Painting by Toni Carmine Salerno - "Towards Eternity")
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