Through Ray’s inspiration from some of Gurdjieff’s Enneagram work, I’ve come to gain a greater understanding of how different people are and are not. Basically, Gurdjieff divides the “human engine” into three different centers – the intellectual center (the mind), the emotional center (the heart) and the instinctual or gut center (the body), which correspond with the trinity of Mind, Body and Spirit, where mind is Mind, gut is Body and heart is Spirit.
Now all of us have all three centers and we function from all three, but the difference among people lies in the varying extent one is driven by each. The Mind thinks, the Heart feels, the Body acts. The Mind also fears, the Heart also grieves, and Body also expresses anger. Without balance, the person is likely to express the shadowside of the center he/she functions excessively from or the center he/she represses the most. Balance is key. The repressed one often brings us greatest troubles, therefore always seek to bring whatever that is repressed to the light; and that shall be your key to balance. Oftentimes, we simply need to be aware, and with self-awareness, we can use our free will to let centers which we normally use less of, guide and teach us from time to time. And by knowing which one we’re most driven by, we can also, once in a while, choose not to listen to the center which normally drives us. There are too many combos of perceptions and experiences you can choose from to live your life. Why not let yourself try something different?
Most importantly, there is no right or wrong to how we perceive reality and how we choose to live our life. All of life comes from the same Source. Whatever belongs and does not belong, belongs. The knowledge of this work really opened me more to compassion. I hope this will inspire you and bring you greater awareness of your self as well.
For me, I discovered that I’m a lot in the heart, and very repressed with my gut instinct (I simply can’t hear my gut, let alone express and assert myself), which I discovered, is caused by having a lot of unexpressed anger sourced from deeply rooted self-judgment from past situations. As I became more aware of this imbalance and allowed myself to feel my anger, I started to be able to hear my gut and assert myself accordingly more. A repressed gut also leads to a lack of discipline, will and action, as the gut, which comes more from the body, is oriented towards action, which is the fundamental expression of matter or the physical. Bringing my gut center to balance allowed me to be grounded in the physical, leading to a greater will to act and for me specifically, an increased capacity to experience present moment awareness.
Beyond our mind, body and spirit, lies a greater Force that drives us in our everyday reality. You can call it our higher self, or our Source self. Therefore do not worry that you need to change yourself if you discover that you’re more in one center and less in another. Simply grow in self-awareness. For it is in knowing the small self, often called our “personality”, that we may ultimately know the big Self – the pure consciousness in All.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Saturday, May 19, 2007
The Process of Dis-Identification - Channeled from Seth

As our consciousnesses rise in the journey of Ascension, our awareness and sensation of the thought energies that underlie the physical manifestation of every situation sharpen and we start to experience these moments of objective Observation of reality rather than being an actress or subjective participant within the Grand play on Earth. In the latter experience, we perceive reality to be completely subjective. We require what happens to us, around us to define our perception of existence. In shifting to becoming an Observer, we begin to perceive existence as merely a state “being”ness. And everything else, including events that do indeed happen to us directly (including all things that do affect us on a personal level) starts to lose their significance to your existence. You can call this “dis-identification”.
During the process of dis-identification, there still may be elements of yourself that you will identify with, as not the vibrations of all aspects in your life can be “observed” yet. For example, one of the most recent lessons I am learning is to fully honour my anger for what it is, no more, no less, not bad, not good. It simply is. To learn this lesson, I need to become fully present with my anger, and every time if my mind chooses to judge it, I am NOT fully present because to be fully present means full acceptance. And every time my mind does judge it, I’m identifying with the anger and not observing it. For if I’m truly observing the anger, there wouldn’t be judgement; as the art of Observer-ship by nature negates judgment. But when I am aware that I am identifying, and I then choose to become more and more present with this part of myself, the energy of anger then has a space to be transmuted. For to be in the state of Observer-ship, also means to be fully one with the Love vibration, which has the power to negate anything lower in vibration than itself.
Through the practice of “dis-identification”, the polarities lived through mundane and “unwakeful” existence can be transcended and then we become “awake”, or “wakeful”. The journey of Wakefulness is a journey which the Unawake chooses to open him/herself to that state of Beingness.
Let me summarize the key points to moving from polarization to neutrality or "beingnesss" (seeing reality as polarized to seeing reality for what is real) that has worked for me:
1) Be aware of your thoughts, feelings, reactions, through self-observation in everyday situations. Often situations that create conflict/tension for you bring to you subjective thoughts or feelings that are most ready for transmutation. (Do not dig deeper than what is there in your face.)
2) Release the mind from judgement and simply observe. Accept yourself for whereever you are at, whatever you're thinking and feeling. Accept also the situation for what it is.
3) Release even the need to change your thoughts and feelings.
4) Once you have observed your thoughts and feelings, you may simply let them be, or you may feel an urge to take some kind of action, such as speaking up, making a decision. Do so.
5) If you feel you need to dig deeper to understand your own behaviour or patterns, do so with the help of another. Always consult another, ideally someone who has been where you have been. Oftentimes, we can only see ourselves to the extent our beliefs allow us to, therefore you may find that you're beating around the bush on one pattern and never manage to truly observe with non-judgment.
6) Last but not least, in times of confusion or distress, remember there is a Higher Authority looking over our growth, therefore PRAYING ALWAYS WORKS!
Thursday, May 17, 2007
All That Is and Is Not Becomes

As we, Mother Earth and its inhabitants, tornado through higher velocities of galactic space like a spaceship traversing the Photon Band into the center of the galaxy, much of the densities, the chaos, the disorder, the confusion, everything we perceive to be the ways things “should” be and everything that “shouldn’t” be, are being brought to the fore of our consciousnesses. Much of this process, which is a part of the orchestrated “Ascension”, may be experienced as emotional frustration, catharsis one after another, distress, dis-ease, and even depression. Those who are less emotionally inclined, and possibly more peaceful, may also experience the higher states of changes manifested outwardly on the physical plane, such as sudden changes in residence and jobs, traveling to unknown remote places, changes in outer appearances, inexplainable synchronistic events and so forth. All that is occurring is but a result of a shifting in the velocities of our vibrations in preparation for anchoring all of humanity’s consciousness out of polarization into full “Sourceship” – a state of being at One with All.
For me, the past few months have been a combination of all of the above mentioned “symptoms”. The changes I experienced in my outer world reflected the changes I experienced in my inner. Almost every time I thought I have learned a new way of being, shed one layer of old skin that was blocking me from remembering who I am, another layer surfaces to remind me how far I’m yet to go. Humans are creatures of habit and therefore sometimes we may find that the new lesson is similar to the previous one, but never EXACTLY the same. There is always an uniqueness to each. While the similarity of the lessons help to fully kick us out of an old way of being. As our learning progresses, more and more of our Essence is remembered. In due process, we are constantly growing to become a larger and larger aspect of ourselves. Our light expands, and with proper grounding, our light can be anchored to be used to fulfill our Dharmas – our service here on Earth.
In such times of change, the safest place to be is to be in our bodies, through which we can access the Here and Now. So when you feel like nothing makes sense in your reality, always come back to your sensations. Feel you toes, feel your fingers, feel the hair on your arm, the food being digested in your intestines. Remind yourself that you are here and that is all that matters. And everything else shall unfold.
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