As a student of astrology, I love making predictions from reading astrological aspects of people’s charts (my own especially!) I just get unexplainably excited when I spot major astrological transits coming and my mind, running at God-know-how-many hertz per second, can come up all kinds of scenarios! Recently, I’ve had the opportunity to read many charts of couples breaking up from long-term relationships (several were marriages) and they all were experiencing either a Pluto or Uranus transiting their seventh house or aspecting Venus in one way or another, but of course with a natal chart disposition of relationship challenges. Anyway, I’m not writing this piece on when you’ll break up with your loved one. Ha! Not yet! The point that I’d like to make here, is that, being able to read into someone’s chart and see how it indicates an external event happening in their lives, makes me wonder more about the role of fate and consciousness. As also someone who at least tries to be as self-aware as I can, I am interested to know whether becoming more conscious of ourselves and reality can influence or even change our fate. Even more explicitly, if we can be super-duper disciplined with our spiritual practice, practicing our peace, being highly conscious of ourselves and reality, is it possible to avoid negative karmic situations, and hence I would say, change our fate altogether?
After some pondering and, probably drawing on the resources of the higher psychic faculties of my mind, here are my conclusions. (Comments are soo welcome!) The first thought that came to mind, when this question was projected, is that, the definition of fate evolves as your consciousness evolves. Ha! (I hope you’re falling out of your chair thinking that I’m just trying to make things sound sophisticated without delivering substance… wait.) Any student of metaphysics would have heard, that, one’s perception of anything can literally and physically change the substance of the thing being observed. This goes back to the principles of the Buddhists, that “All is Empty” – hence, that which you choose to project onto a thing, an event, a person, makes that thing, event or person. So this is also applicable to fate. For someone without consciousness, fate means whatever that happens to him that is predestined, with the implication that there is a lack of choice. However, for everything that does and will occur, it has to be meant to be, and therefore, it has to be predestined. The meaning of something being meant to be is just that it has occurred and will occur. To look at this from the other side, basically there is nothing on Earth that is NOT meant to be if it has already happened or is happening. Everything is destiny. Everything that has occurred, is occurring and will occur IS by definition, a grand unfoldment of destiny. Therefore, is there even a need to discern whether there is fate or no fate operating in our reality?
This goes to my next step of explanation. When one is conscious, fate is choice, fate IS free will. Because, when a person is conscious of what is unfolding in their lives, that person is, practically speaking, in touch with his or her higher will - that part of ourselves that is deciding or directing where our lives are going. Some like to call it our soul or higher self. However you call it it doesn’t matter. Now, is it possible to be always in touch with your higher will and hence be able to totally direct your life willfully. Probably. I think an Ascended Master can, someone who has mastered all his/her Earth lessons and fully function in the higher frequencies of Love and Truth. I’m not quite there yet so I really can’t tell you from experience. But drawing on deeper insights gained from the unfoldment of my spiritual practice, I believe one can, through disciplined, well-intentioned and willful spiritual practice, be, at least the majority of time, highly conscious of his/her higher will and therefore be able to observe the unfoldment of his/her life’s events with detachment. So you could be having cancer, and still be in joy, or you can experience the loss of a loved one, and still be in joy (in fact I met a spiritual teacher who told me that’s exactly how he felt when his mother passed away, and this is not because he didn’t like her, you know what I mean), or you can go through an accident, a divorce, even depression, whatever mundane stress in the physical reality, and still be in joy. Why? Well, those seemingly negative events occurring in your life are results of karma from the past that are meant to play out in your current lives regardless, but because you’re conscious of your higher will’s need to experience such events, for whatever purpose (each change or event there is a higher purpose), you’re totally equanimous with it. You can allow it to unfold, rather than use your energy to control it from occurring, allowing for greater efficiency of the usage of your energy, which are inner resources that can be directed towards more creative and constructive expressions in your life, making this world a more productive and blissful place, as positive energies can only positively impact the world and make this world a better place.
Consciousness, then, is not meant to change fate or karma. Karma is karma. Everything is fate. Fate is not meant to be changed. But consciousness can take you beyond fate, and take you to peace and your higher purpose, which is all that matters, anyway.
Now is it worth it to be become more conscious?
*Warm greetings to you Cherie*,
I stumbled upon your fantastic page, not by chance, of course...
while doing an "image" search.
However, I am curious about
the "ladybug"(?)
I had an *incredible* experience
some years ago , I would love to hear your thoughts/insights
re: ladybug
ex.-meanings/symbolism/personal accnts.
hi Anonymous
You didn't leave your contacts so I cannot write back to you.
The ladybug holds significance to me because many years ago when I first opened up to spirit I was told by Spirit (channeled through one of my spiritual teachers) that my energy resembles a ladybug.
From what I know, ladybug is a symbol of good luck and prosperity, which I believe is a matter of being conscious and open in the heart. Luck is what we attract and create, not necessarily that 'happens' to us. If we can be open enough to allow every event in our lives to touch us at a deeper way, every event, whether negative, painful etc.. is an opportunity to grow and ultimately gain greater happiness and prosperity.
Love to hear your thoughts and experience.
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