The purification of our physical body is as much of a critical aspect of our spiritual growth as with the purification of our mental and emotional faculties. We are neither our mind, our feelings or our bodies alone, yet to become fully in contact with reality we must have recovered the complete sensory and psychic perceptive functionalities of all three aspects of ourselves, which is possible through the process of purification. And as all three aspects are inseparably interconnected, healing any one of the three levels of ourselves can have a profound effect on the other two. Just as our thoughts give rise to how we feel, the state of our physical health does also directly affect our thoughts and moods. Someone with persistent pain disorders is likely to become easily irritated. On the other hand, our physical body is a direct mirror of our thoughts and feelings at a conscious and unconscious level. Our thoughts and feelings are literally stored at the cellular level of our bodies, hence, the integrity of our cells reflect the state of our mind and spirit. Negative thoughts and repressed emotions often manifest as a physical dis-ease due to their distorted energy fields.
As mentioned, we can heal ourselves on any of the three levels and be able to also heal the other two. For example, releasing an unexpressed emotion can literally cause cancer to go away! Changing any hateful thoughts we have towards ourselves or others to loving thoughts can also heal a physical disease. One of the most powerful experiences I’ve had with this method of healing is when I had analyphactic attacks of skin allergies (hives) and they literally disappeared one hour after I coughed up a repressed feeling of being powerless that was stored in my digestive tract and my liver! A similar example I had was when I used to often fall prey to flu viruses that would cause me to have high-flung fevers. Instead of taking medicine, (which would’ve worked perfectly as well!) I experimented with this type of healing by meditating and asking the emotion that was sourcing my fever to be released. My fever came down 30 minutes after my anger was released! Changes can be instantaneous as long as we are willing to honour whatever we have NOT honoured in the past. Usually what have been psychologically rejected are unacknowledged needs or unprocessed emotions from the past, which, when acknowledged and processed, can lead to an instant shift in our physical realities as well as an expansion in our consciousness.
Now let’s look at healing from the other end of the tube – healing the physical body to effect change in our mental, emotional and spiritual states. Our body is a highly complicated mechanism with trillions of cells that are energies at their most fundamental level. Every cell has a polarity (a positive and negative charge) sourced from atoms that have electrons spinning around their nuclei [nucleus]. When a cell is healthy, it has a “healthy” electron spin, when the cell is not healthy, the spin is off and the cell begins to degenerate as it is unable to assimilate the oxygen and nutrients it needs for its sustainability and viability. When we heal an emotion, the releasing of the once repressed negative emotion restores the cell polarity to its healthful state, and the body is able to heal itself and ultimately recover from whatever disease it was suffering from before. Similarly, when we heal the physical body through physical protocols such as nutrition, medicinal herbs, natural detoxification processes (like fasting or changing diets), exercises such as yoga or pilates, or physiotherapies like chiropractic work, our cells, in the process of regaining their integrity through the healing power of the healing agent or body movements from certain movement therapies, will inevitably release any trapped negative thoughts and emotions at the cellular level. An example is doing yoga. Yoga, when practiced with an awareness of the interconnectedness of our mind, body and spirit, can help our bodies let go of many rigid mental and emotional patterns. As we move and stretch our bodies in ways we may not be accustomed to, different memories stored in the energy fields intersecting our bodies may rise up to our consciousness. These memories often carry with them repressed emotions we may have held towards someone in the past, often people who have hurt us or made us feel unloved in some way or another. When these memories flush our consciousness, we are given the opportunity to honour them as a part of the continuum of experiences that make our present selves, and then release them through a conscious acknowledgement of the lesson the particular event in the memory has brought us. The feelings, triggered from these memories, when allowed to be what they are through our Compassion, are instantaneously liberated from our physical body. Through this process of releasing, more and more of our cells regain their health and our physical bodies inevitably heal.
As the body heals itself of any distortions in thoughts, feelings and form, every cell within the body becomes a floodgate for Divine inspiration and love. A healthy cell cannot be upset, angry, sad or resentful, it is simply not its natural state. A happy, peaceful, loving person cannot be sick either, because they are simply not the same thing. This is not to say that if you’re not feeling well that you cannot be a happy, peaceful and loving person. It is important for us to be honest with ourselves when we are healing ourselves. However, we must also not forget to have compassion towards ourselves on where we are with ourselves and our healing, as divine timing plays into our growth, just like with anything else in our Universe.
Sometimes you may find that you have healed an emotion for a very long time but the corresponding physical symptom seemed to not yet have healed. Switching your focus to healing the physical aspect can bring about deeper realizations about the nature of the issue. Deeper layers of emotional pain may reveal themselves as the physical body begins to heal itself. One example may be in healing ourselves through fasting, diet change or various detoxification procedures such as colon cleansing or liver detoxification. When we undergo a detoxification of the body or a simple change of diet to healthier cleaner foods, the stress of digesting and processing heavy toxins from an unhealthy diet is alleviated from the organs in our bodies and our bodies are given the space needed to heal themselves. Naturally, the most unhealthy cells in our bodies will first become eliminated and replaced with healthy cells. As these unhealthy cells go, so too do any trapped negative thoughts or feelings that may have been a part of them, go. Detoxification of the physical body therefore becomes not only a process of the physical body, but a much more dynamic healing process involving the conscious participation of the mind and spirit.
Similarly, in the case of healing a physical symptom with physical protocols, you may find that you have tried every physical protocol available for it and still to no avail. The physical cannot fully heal until the underlying emotional or mental cause is fully eliminated. Once the underlying feeling or thought is healed, you may suddenly find yourself the perfect doctor for your physical problem, or the body may even just heal itself on its own!
Our bodies are truly amazing things. They are often our best teachers on our spiritual path!