"Divine Bliss"©Jane Nussbaum, www.artofvisionarylight.com/
The field of consciousness is a plane or dimensional existence that exists in the form of frequencies which fluctuate in a so-called range or spectrum. In simpler terms, you can think of it as a musical scale of notes that resides (if you have to physically see this) in our Central Column, an energy channel that runs from the base of our spine (or coccyx area) to the pineal gland inside our brain.
The pineal gland is one of the most spiritual organ within the body as it is also sometimes referred to as the “seat of destiny”. The kundalini energy, (for those who are well-versed with the metaphysics) moves from the bottom of the Central Column, traversing the energy gates of each energy center (or chakra), bringing each energy center to its higher expressions often through the form of purification or simple transmutation of lower, dense energies. And when the kundalini energy reaches the “seat of destiny”, the codes containing our life path is remembered, resulting in a merging of the lower and higher mind, calling forth a firm sense of purpose and knowing of one’s destiny. Destiny need not be limited, necessarily, to a specific life goal, job or career even. It CAN be a piece of work or a vocation per se. However, it doesn’t have to be limited to that but can involve a much larger field of experience which encompasses all aspects of reality as can be possibly conceived by human existence, OR, to make this simple, any experience that brings you Joy and Bliss.
The totality of consciousness exists as a separate, yet complete micro-cosmos which rests in every cell of our physical body. In Hermetic sciences, what is without is within. As above, so below. As below, so above. What is outside of us, the entire cosmos, exists also in its totality in every cell of our body! Yes, hard to believe or conceive visually right? Because your mind is used to thinking in three-dimensions but what if our world, our cosmos, is actually multi-dimensional! 4th, 5th, 6th or more! In that perspective, the plane of existence can traverse because space and time is not necessarily linear. So if you can meditate and go deep enough within yourself. Yes I do mean, inside yourself (for those who meditate, you may understand what I mean here!), you can literally feel the pulsation of cosmic energies during times of change, times of spiritual growth, expansion, contraction, conflicts and so forth. And the reason there can be conflicts is, because, not every cell in your body is resonating at the same frequency at the same time! If there is no time, yes, every cell IS already in the state of perfection, we are indeed in the Garden of Eden, and therefore there wouldn’t be conflicts. But since we are physically in 3-D formation, one cell can be in a higher frequency (like playing a D note) while the other can be playing an F sharp and bang there is a conflict, there is chaos, which… IS beautiful.. because, in this situation, if one is conscious enough, this can give birth to a higher “overall” note, which some people call, a harmonic convergence – the birthing of a higher consciousness.
So, let your body sing and swim in this sea of consciousness called existence, in the ocean of time also known as the web of life. For without time there is no space, without time and space, creation is not possible. Life is not possible. May you be showered with Joy, Bliss and Happiness, always.