Thought is Power. Power is Love. Love is Creation. Creation is Expansion. Expansion is Infinity.
Therefore Thought is Infinity.
May All Thoughts be an Expression of the Infinite, forever in expansion, forever fuming the Wheels of Fortune for All of Life. May All Life be an Expression of All Thoughts, flowing through All Forms celebrating the Beauty of Divine Existence. May Reverence permeate all Thoughts, blessing All of Existence for multiplication.
Ladybug from Lalala Land.... just thinking...
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Monday, July 09, 2007
Astrology, Consciousness, 2012

I’ve been studying and practicing a lot of astrology recently, including starting a correspondence course on Vedic Astrology, which is surprisingly and pleasantly delightful and enlightening as the study of Vedic Astrology, which comes from the Vedas (Indian sacred knowledge), contains insightful information on Creation and the evolution of mankind. It describes how the planetary energies contain the energy of creation from Source which are then disseminated to and embodied in the human design. It discusses the concept of time as every astrological birth chart is a “moment” in time detailing then an experience and expression of an essence manifested in form over time which is externalized in space. It sheds light to the great human evolutionary cycles, explaining how the ages of consciousness, called “Yugas” unfold as a result of the direction our solar system is moving in respect to the galactic center. When the solar system is moving away from the galactic center, we “fall” in consciousness, and when we move towards the galactic center, we “rise” in consciousness – the entire cycle spans approximately 25,000 years with the following order of Yugas while we are on a consciousness ascension cycle - from the darkest to the lightest of ages: Kali, Dwapara, Treta and Satya. So according to the Vedas, we have entered the second age or Dwapara since 1,699AD and will continue to move into greater light until the end of Satya in 12,999AD.
Now let me jump around here. The Mayans, somehow, broke time into (I haven’t gathered all the facts on this but here is what I know) the Mayan sun cycles and claimed that the cycle we’re now in, the fifth sun cycle, will end on December 23, 2012, 11:11am. Now many channelers or psychics and more astrologers will tell you more or less the same thing that we’ll be going through some huge energetic/consciousness shift in 2012. Some say Earth will experience a pole shift that will inevitably wipe out the majority of human race before the Golden Age can happen. Now that’s probably what happened in Atlantis, Earth’s magnetic field collapsed from a pole shift (north and south pole flipped!) that wiped out Atlantis, brought on the Ice Age which preceded the ancient Egyptian and Sumerian civilizations which are the most ancient civilizations we know. Then there is the happy-ending story which says that we’ll move into 5D consciousness from 2012 onwards, the party will begin and then we’ll all be golden, there will be world peace, no war, no famine, hip hip hooray! The truth is, whatever you believe to be the future is probably just you tapping into the force of the collective unconsciousness that says any of the above, whichever the story you choose to believe in, it’s probably not yours to begin with. It’s some creation that started with somebody and you’re simply hitching a ride. I’m not being negative or cynical here, I’m just stating a fact. When you channel anything about the future, you are probably just channeling what is out there, like tuning into the FM radio station and if there’s junk floating out there, you’re picking that up too. Then there are parallel universes that are occuring all at the same time but that is no evidence to what actually will happen in physical reality, so tapping into future realities still can't tell you what will happen. If you are a visionary (meaning you have an active third eye chakra), you’re seeing the future as you’re creating it with your imagination and the more you do that, the more probable that which you envision will become your reality and hence the reality of all of Earth’s people. I truly doubt anyone on this planet at this moment knows really what is going to happen – maybe there are a few enlightened prophets who do know. But the truth is not what is going to happen. The truth is to remember that whatever that is to happen, there is still only one reason for any of us to be here at this moment, and that is for us to continue our Earthly experience like there is no tomorrow. It is for us to live with an awakened mind, an awakened heart. It is for us to know ourselves, love ourselves and accept ourselves for wherever we are in our lives, for, whatever we’re individually going through or experiencing, we’ll only really be experiencing it only once. And THAT, is divine. Now we’re all unique, for never ever in the history of mankind or ever will be in the future of mankind, has there been another being or soul that was, or will be created in the exact same moment you were created, or have the exact same experience you are experiencing from the physical body you currently have! So rejoice that you’re reading this right NOW! And be prepared to die. Or party. Either way it will be a party, just a matter of whether it will be on Earth or elsewhere!
Now from a different perspective, the whole creation of 2012 being the critical time during which 5D consciousness is fully anchored on Earth is fabulous and beautiful. You see, the future determines the present. When we make choices about the future, we are shifting also the experiences we will and are to experience in the present and all the way from the very present to that very future we have chosen for it to be. So think of 2012 as an intention the collective human race has made, way back from the times of the Mayans or even before that, to be the day we move fully into the Golden Age. Therefore tracking backwards from 2012, we're now in the incoming phase of the Garden of Eden. Some of us may find that you are already in the Garden, if that is the consciousness you have anchored; some of us may find that you're struggling to get into the Garden because a part of you is conscious of the Garden while another part of you isn't Yet. So keep yourself focused in the direction of the Garden and you'll be there in no time at all! Hip hip hooray!
So all I wanted to do here is to present my facts, my beliefs, my perception, my take. So don’t ask me what’s gonna happen in 2012. Nothing will, something might. Your reality will continue to shift because your perceptions of your reality is constantly shifting as you grow, evolve and experience your life from all the experiences and events that you have constructed for yourself. Our world is ruled by ideas and beliefs. There is no truth to the outer reality. There is perception, observation, but that again depends on where you’re coming from. So keep following your heart.
Blessings to all!
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