While I was in Coronado Island, San Diego (where I created Gold Ray) in November, Spirit advised that my second essence, the Purple Ray, is to be created within the next month. So, as a diligent liaison down here on Earth, I waited for further guidance. On the Wednesday before my trip to Guilin with my family, I received a message that I will meet the “being” from which the Purple Ray will be created. Following that message, I took with me, to China, all the tools needed to creating a nature essence, which include a big stock bottle half-filled with Brandy for containing the Mother Tincture, a tweezer and a bowl. Not knowing how I would manage to have any private time to connect/channel and create the essence while I travel with a organized tour with my family, I trusted that everything will just happen! On the night of our arrival which was Friday, Spirit told me that the essence is be created on Sunday. Then on Saturday morning, I discovered from our tour guide that we would travel to Yangshou, a town 60 km from Guilin city center, on Sunday, which made perfect sense to me as Yangshou is highly renowned for its scenic beauty and is probably a much less polluted place than Guilin of which the chance of finding pure energies for creating essences would be much higher. Then on Saturday, while my family and I were hanging out underneath a relatively big banyan tree next to a scenic spot, one of the tour guides suddenly remarked to us that there is a famous banyan tree in Yangshou that is 1,400 year-old! I knew instantly that that is exactly the tree that I need to connect with in order to create Purple Ray! My heart fluttered with excitement and anticipation, while at the same time, my stomach was filled with butterflies as I also discovered that visiting that 1,400 old tree wasn’t part of our travel itinerary. Spirit confirmed to me that I will be guided to the tree and that everything will work out smoothly. Interestingly, both my parents were picking up my vibes and were more keen to visit the tree than even I was! The other thing that perplexed me was how I would be able to make an essence from the tree with limited time (specifically I wasn’t sure how I could put its leaf in a bowl of water underneath the sun for hours when we would be traveling from place to place). To this issue, Spirit told me that I will understand fully when I see the tree. Great.
The thought of visiting the tree hovered in my mind nonstop. I decided to surrender and trust that it will all happen as divinely orchestrated. The next morning we followed the tour group as planned without any sign of seeing the big Banyan tree. Then during lunch, our tour guide told us that we would be going to West Market for one hour of shopping and Spirit immediately whispered in my ears that I will not be going to West Market, I will be going to see the tree during that time. Then I told my father I would really like to see the Banyan tree and my father immediately arranged with the tour guide for my family to make a slight detour from the group to visit this tree which was, to no coincidence, only 10 minute cab ride from West Market – the beautiful works of Spirit of course!
My encounter with the tree was absolutely amazing! First of all, this tree is HUGE. The whole land area it covers probably spans about 20 to 30 meters in radius. The tree is fenced as it is made into a tourist spot and only the locals were allowed near the tree on the 1st and 15th of each month on the Chinese calendar for rituals. Initially I was afraid to break the law so I stood at the fence diligently and tried to tune into the tree from afar. Then my father came over and told me to just go inside to touch and talk to the tree. He arranged with the security guard who kindly agreed to let me near the tree. So for about 20 minutes, I was running around next to the tree, snapping photos and connecting with it while everyone else were appreciating it from outside the fence! When I first tuned in to the tree, the tree showed me a very powerful image – a swirling vortex energy force which I immediately knew represented the force of Creation. Then with its wise old voice, it whispered to me, “What is it that you want to create?” Then it continued, “I have asked you to bring your essence-making tools only to show you that you in fact do not need them at all. For what is in me is also in you, for we are made of the same life force energy that created all of this universe.” The insight gave me a big “AHA”! I knew then that the energy is for manifestation and that one simply needs to be connected with the Creative force that is latent within each and one of us, in order to manifest all of our heart’s desires. And in the process of connecting with this Creative force, we are also growing up to our full glory as a Co-creator with Source, whereby every word we speak, every action we take, is a pure expression of God him and herself. From the tree’s message, I also trusted that I didn’t need to necessarily make an essence out of the tree physically and that I will be guided to anchoring its energy at a later time when all is ready. The energy was so powerful it literally blew me away for the rest of the day. I was so mesmerized by its strength and mystique and its connectedness with the Universe. Later that night, the tree visited me again in my sleep and triggered several intense dreams. I am sure it was already working with me unconsciously to assist me in manifesting whatever it is in my soul plan.
When I returned to Hong Kong, I kept getting visions of creating an etheric energy portal between the tree and my third eye in order to anchor the energy when the timing is right. Then on Christmas Eve, Spirit told me definitively that the Purple Ray is to be created exactly at noon on Christmas Day, 2006. Shortly before noon on Christmas, I downloaded the instructions of creating the essence, which involved creating sacred space, doing a few chants, connecting with the devic realm including Pan, and opening an etheric energy portal between the tree and my third eye and then directing the energy into the Mother Tincture bottle. Spirit recommends one to set an intention on specifically what one wants to manifest prior to using the essence. My sense is that it is most effective to focus on manifesting one thing each time one works with the Purple Ray, but of course, there is no golden rule, so go with your intuition whatever it is! Anyway, I’m so excited to share this new creation with you and again, I hope to work with Nature more and more to serve you better!