Today I plan to write about a very fun topic, to share my fun experiences of working with a number of my own spirit guides, who have so very lovingly assisted me on my path since the dawn of it all. Everyone of us has Guides from the other realm since our birth, and some Guides join us at different times in our lives depending on our soul evolution and paths. Spirit guides can be an angel, an Archangel, an Ascended Master (referring to beings who were once human but have ascended, such as Jesus Christ, Mother Mary, Mohammed or Serapis Bey), a deceased loved one or any deceased person who has crossed over who may know us as a soul and simply wants to assist you from the other side. Many of you are probably already constantly connecting with them without being aware of it. For example, you may have a particular liking for a certain deity, such as you love going to the temple to pray to Kwan Yin, or you’re Catholic and feel a strong connection to Jesus. Spirit guides like to make their presence known to us in very subtle ways, as they’re always looking to guide or assist us in some way. Specifically, they look to assist us in our evolution, in gaining understanding from our third-dimensional realities, or they simply want to make us feel more loved. Working consciously with our spirit guides can be very fun and healing. I want to share some of my personal stories of how I connected with my spirit guides because they have brought me so much wisdom, so much love and so much understanding. And I hope that through sharing these stories, I can inspire you to also see that you can connect with them at any time and place.
One of my Guide is an Ascended Master, Siddharta Gautama the Buddha, as you may know, he was once an Indian prince who decided to meditate under a bodhi tree and later ascended to become the Buddha. While I was traveling alone for the first time in Peru, I felt extremely lonely for the first few days in Lima. My impression of Lima is that it is a very gloomy, polluted and not very safe city. I felt so lonely being all by myself in this foreign place, that I almost decided to pack my back and head home, scrap my plan of traveling solo in South America. What a pity if I have had done that! But anyway, that’s not the key of the story. So I decided to connect with my guides and understand why this was happening. Siddharta was the first to speak to me for he had much to share about feeling lonely, as he has once followed the lonely path of meditating on his own for many years. He told me to sit in my loneliness, and so I did, I sat in it, meditated on it. Then he told me to understand it. So I kept sitting in the loneliness and after a while, I understood it, I understood why I was feeling lonely, and when I reached this understanding, the loneliness puffed away like it had never truly existed, and for the rest of my trip, I honestly never felt lonely again. So that’s Siddharta, an incredibly wise and loving being, I never forget his teachings from that experience.
Another of my Guide, who I only became consciously aware yesterday that he’s been working with me (so he is a new guide who has just joined my Guidance team), is Ganesh, the half-human and half-elephant Hindu deity. You see a lot of his statues in Thailand, but of course, you don’t need to be physically in Thailand to connect with him, because in the fourth dimension, where all spirit guides exist, there is no time and space. I first worked with Ganesh while channeling for a friend few months ago. Ganesh is one of my friend’s spirit guides and I had a very fun time channeling Ganesh that time. He left quite an impression on me because his energy felt to me, unlike other Guides who I have connected with in the past, more aggressive and forceful. The second time I connected with Ganesh again was when I was climbing Volcan Misti in Peru, my first time climbing a real mountain and that experience was probably one of the most strenuous thing I’ve ever done in my life. He came to me to tell me that I can call on him specifically to help me get up that formidable volcano, for he is a remover of obstacles. The obstacles were really my belief system that I couldn’t make it up that mountain, of which he lovingly dissolved, and despite exerting tremendous physical strength, I completed the climb feeling much stronger afterwards. Then to no coincidence, I channeled him again for another friend two days later, and Ganesh happened to be that friend’s spirit guide as well and had just helped him with a home robbery several weeks ago, and so my friend was extremely excited and intrigued to learn that Ganesh is one of his Guides. My friend has always been drawn to elephants and in fact, he has two big elephant statues in his home. Now I’m aware that Ganesh is also one of my spirit guides, and he is here to help me with my writing and with removing any obstacles in my life, which are really illusions created by my fearful mind.
Anyway, so these our my two more recent and interesting stories of working consciously with my own spirit guides. You can also work with them directly to resolve any issues you may have in any aspect of your life, which may include health, work, career, money, romance, marriage, family and travel issues (even like needing help booking a hotel). I find that people often believe that they need to pray a specific way to higher dimensional beings, or treat them a certain way in order to receive help from them. I know many religious disciples follow strict rituals to connect with higher beings. I don’t disagree with the rituals, as they are powerful ways to focus our intentions when we seek to ask for help from higher beings. But it is not true that if we don’t follow those rituals or pray a certain number of times a day or in a certain way or place, that we cannot get the same help from them. Because first, you need to understand that these beings are energies of pure unconditional love, they resonate at such a high, loving vibrational frequency that in their world, there is no fear, no hate, no anger, no judgment. They love us all so equally and so unconditionally. So rest assured that however you may think you are as a human being, you deserve all the help you can get from them, and that they’re always happy to assist us further on our paths. In a later blog, I'll discuss ways of connecting with them more.